Chapter 13

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Ivan woke up to the sweet smell of pancakes. He gently opened his eyes and sat up. Matthew wasn't there, nor Kumajiru. Matthew must be the one responsible for the smell.

He got up and walked out of the room to the staircase. He walked into the kitchen to see a humming Canadian making pancakes. Kumajiru wasn't in there. He was in the living room, sleeping. It didn't seem like Matthew noticed Ivan. Ivan smiled a sinister grin.

He slowly and carefully walked closer and closer to Matthew, making sure the Canadian didn't see him. He quickly placed his hands on Matthew's shoulders and said "BOO!". Matthew jumped and yelped. Ivan started to laugh at the Canadian's reaction.
Matthew looked over at the laughing Russian, glared at him.

"Why did you do that?!" Matthew asked, angry at Ivan.

"I had to." Ivan answered, still laughing.

Matthew stuck his tongue out and turned back to his pancake he was making, now wearing a grumpy look on his face.

"Aww Matvey, no need to get mad." Ivan said.

He placed his fingers on Matthew's chin and turned the nation's head to face him. Matthew still had his grumpy face on.

"No need to be grumpy, Da?" Ivan said.
Matthew's eyes widened as a blush rushed onto him face. He quickly turned his head away from Ivan and continued to cook the pancake.

"I-I have some pancakes already made on the dinning table. There's blueberry, chocolate chip and normal. You can start eating without me." Matthew said, bit of a stutter at the start.

"Da. Thank you Matvey." Ivan said.

"W-Whatever..." Matthew said, still grumpy. Ivan chuckled and ruffled Matthew's blond hair.

He walked to the already set table and sat on one of the seats. He took a couple pancakes, poured syrup in them and started to eat them.


Matthew walked out of the bathroom, drying his hair with the towel. Ivan was watching tv.

"They were right." Ivan said, referring to yesterday.

"Huh? Really?" Matthew asked.

"Da. Check for yourself." Ivan replied.

Matthew walked to the window and gently lifted the curtain with his hand to see plenty of snowflakes falling from the sky, making the snow pile up on the ground. The wind was twisting and turning the snow everywhere, making everything look white.

"Oh maple that's a lot of snow." Matthew said, letting the curtain fall back down from his hand.

"Da. Anything you would like to do?" Ivan asked, petting Kumajiru's head who was beside him.

"Hmm..." Matthew replied, walking to the bed and sitting on it.

"What about baking?" Matthew asked.

"You love the kitchen don't you." Ivan answered.

"We can do something else if you want?" Matthew asked.

"No no it's fine. I'm just teasing." Ivan replied, ruffling Matthew's hair.

"Let's go then!" Matthew said, jumping off the bed while smiling.

Matthew ran downstairs, Ivan walking down after.

"We're are your cookbooks?" Matthew asked, already drying his hands.

"Right here." Ivan replied. He walked to a cabinet and took out one of a the few English cookbooks he has. He didn't have that many cookbooks in general.

Matthew quickly opened the book and went through it.

"Let's make some cinnamon buns!" Matthew said, pointing to the recipe. He then looked up at Ivan.

"You don't need my approval." Ivan said. Matthew looked back at the recipe and then started to run around for the ingredients.

"I'm surprised you have everything." Matthew said, placing the last ingredient down.

"It's mostly from Katsuya. I leave the ingredients here for when she visits. She loves to cook." Ivan said, washing his hands.

"Makes sense." Matthew said, placing the electric mixer on the island beside the ingredients.

He then walked to the cookbook to quickly run through the steps. Then he remembered.

"I forgot you have to let it sit for long time." Matthew said, impatient.

"We don't have to make them." Ivan commented.

"But I really want cinnamon buns!" Matthew said. He unconsciously leaned his head against Ivan shoulder, to busy thinking of what to do next. Ivan gently blushed, his body tensing a bit from the contact.

He looked over at Matthew, seeing him deep in thought. Ivan just wanted to wrap his arms around Matthew and hug him tightly, but he couldn't. He still didn't know Matthew's true feelings. Yeah, they cuddle at night but its only because Matthew's scared from Saturday... right?

They stayed like that for a bit, Ivan deep in thought, trying to figure things out while Matthew debated with himself.

"Will do them anyways." Matthew decided, removing his head from Ivan's arm. Ivan quickly snapped back into reality.

"D-Da." Ivan stuttered.

They followed the instructions as you should and created the dough. They turned the dough into a bunch of balls, placed them into some greased glass cake pans, placed some hand towels on top of each one and placed them on the counter. Matthew looked at the recipe for the amount of time to leave them.

"An hour and a half huh? Wanna watch something?" Matthew asked.

"I'm fine with anything." Ivan replied, washing his hands. Matthew also washed his hand and the two precipitated to the living room.

Matthew walked over to Kumajiru who was on the couch, picked him up and plopped down with Kumajiru in his arms. Ivan sat down beside the two.

"Can we continue the show?" Matthew asked, stuffing his face in Kumajiru's fluffy fur.

"Da." Ivan answered simply.


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