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When he boarded the train, the dusk was falling giving way to the velvety dark of the night. It was his long awaited journey to his native, the place of his eternal happiness. He comfortably seated himself in the window seat. The air was cool and damp. The train speed ed up and the soothing breeze was caressing him. Contradicting to the calm weather outside, he was undergoing an emotional roller coaster within.

This 28 years old handsome Young man left his native eight years ago, indeed he was forced to leave. The place which let him have a carefree life and which showered him unconditional love had to bid farewell one day. When all the memories of the past were running in his mind, her face flashed. Tears brimmed in his eyes. He choked. Heart of heart she was the only reason for him to return to his place permanently. The reason he quoted to the world was just a mask to conceal is untold love.

He met her during his college days. It was neither love nor friendship but some undefined bond that held their hearts together. Their eyes conveyed millions of emotions that their lips couldn't utter. There was no confession but there was something true between them. Finally day of his departure too arrived. He badly longed for at least a glimpse of her, but was in vain.

He never knew that his fondness for her is so deep, that simple lack of her made so many 'presence' around him meaningless. But there was some instinct in him that kept telling him that she was his'. But how for the human instinct be true?

No fancy talks, no exchange of gifts, no hugs, no kisses, no dates, not even glances....there was love.... Only LOVE...

He tried to reach her through phone calls several times but failed each time. But again deep inside his heart the hope was rooted strongly....very strongly...

Love is truly complex.....what made him hope that she still waits for him? Did her loving glances carry the trust that made him hope blindly?

This eight hours travel was like eight decadesfor him. The train journey was nearing its end. Will it put an end to all hisagony of past eight years?

*****continue reading next part****

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