1| The new girl and the rude guy.

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"Are you ready Shanaya?" Dad asked from downstairs.

"I'm ready!" I answered from my room upstairs.

Today is my first day of college. Dad and I have recently moved to Chandigarh because of his job. I've joined a new college and since it's mid of semester, I'm going to be the new girl and I need to catch up with the syllabus.

"Shall we leave?" Dad asked as I reached downstairs.

"Yeah let's go," I said and we moved towards the car.

We soon reached the college and I stepped out of the car.

"Best of luck sweetheart," dad said before leaving.

"Thank you dad," I smiled at him. Dad left for his office after this.

I went inside my college, inhaling the fresh air of the institution. Suddenly nervousness took over me looking at so many students walking in the hall. I took a deep breath and walked towards the administration department.

"Excuse me," I said seeking the attention of the lady sitting at the office.

"Yes. How can I help you?" she asked me with a warm smile.

"I'm Shanaya Arora, new admission. My dad came last week and talked about it," I said.

"Oh yes Shanaya I remember," she said​ recognising my name.

"Here take this," she said forwarding a folder. "It has your time table along with the room number, name of subject teacher and the combination of your locker. Your books are already in the locker," she informed me.

"Thank you so much," I smiled at her. I took the folder and left the office after this.

I walked to my locker while scrutinizing the time table. I've economics right now. I took the required books from my locker and went to the classroom.

"May I come in sir?" I asked the professor. I was late to the class.

"You may. Are you the new girl?" he asked me.

"Yes sir," I replied entering in.

"The dean informed about you. What's your name dear?" he asked.

"Shanaya Arora," I answered.

"I hope you'll have great three years in this college, Shanaya," he smiled at me.

"I hope so," I replied.

"You can go and sit beside Shubman. We've a seat vacant there," he said pointing at a seat where a fair toned guy was sitting.

I nodded and went to the seat. The guy named Shubman shifted a little when he saw me approaching the seat. I sat down beside him.

"Hey," I greeted Shubman with a smile but he just nodded and started to copy notes from the board.

"I'm Shanaya," I introduced myself. Shubman just hummed in response.

Okay, why is he ignoring me so much?

I didn't say anything after this and copied the notes from the board which the professor wrote.

All of a sudden my pen stopped working. I checked it and realised the ink in it is over and I don't even have an extra pen. Unwillingly I asked Shubman for help.

"Do you have an extra pen?" I asked.

He didn't reply anything but gave me the pen he was using and himself started writing with a new pen.

"Thank you," I said and he just nodded.

I continued copying down the notes but I couldn't understand a word so I need to ask Shubman again.

"Can you-" he cuts me off.

"Don't you understand that I'm not interested in talking to you?" he said harshly.

Why is he behaving like this? I was really hurt because he was talking to me rudely for no reason.

"I'm sorry," I apologised and looked down, continuing with the notes.

The bell rang soon after and Shubman was the first one to leave his seat and exit the class. Well he's really weird.

I moved out soon after and checked the time table. It's accounts class now. I followed the students from the commerce department and reached the accounts class. Again, all the seats were already taken and the only vacant one was beside Shubman. I've to bear him for another hour now.

I went and sat beside him without saying anything. He didn't say anything either. The professor arrived after some five minutes.

"Good morning class," he greeted us.

"Good morning sir," all of us said in unison.

"So today we'll solve a worksheet. I'll give one at every bench so two students will share one worksheet," he informed.

Ugh, could it get any worse?

The professor passed a sheet to our bench and Shubman placed it in the middle so that it's equally visible for both of us.

Unexpectedly accounts class was much better than economics. Shubman and I, we didn't talk much. Actually we didn't talk at all so he didn't get an opportunity to spat at me.

After the class got over, I was about to exit the classroom when a guy stopped me.

"Hey Shanaya," he said.

"Hey," I replied.

"I'm Rohit, your classmate," he introduced himself.

"Hey Rohit," I smiled at him.

"Actually I'm supposed to give you a college tour," he told me.

"Oh, like now?" I asked.

"Yeah," he replied.

"Okay fine," I said.

"Let's go," he said and I followed him.

Rohit took me to the college library, field, common room, basketball court, auditorium and finally we went to the cafeteria. Overall it was quite fun exploring the college with him.

We took our lunch and sat on a table for two. I must say Rohit is an extremely jovial guy. I was having my lunch with him when something caught my eye. Shubman was sitting alone in a corner and was having lunch. Why does he always stays so alone?

"Umm.. Rohit," I called him.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"Do you know Shubman?" I asked him. Rohit's expressions changed the moment he heard Shubman's name.

"I do. But why are you asking about him?" he asked.

"Just like that," I replied.

"I know. I saw you two sitting together," he said. "Shubman isn't the best company you want. Like he has a dark past, he's the least reputed guy in college. No one likes him," Rohit told me.

"Dark past? What is it?" I asked with curiosity.

"Let's not discuss that please," he said ending the conversation.

"As you say," I trailed off.

"But I'll give you an advice, stay away from him. He's not the right guy to be friends with," Rohit said.

I didn't reply anything to this. I just looked down and had lunch. What did he do that everyone hates him?

I need to find that out even if it's none of my business. There is something weirdly captivating about him which is driving me to know about him.

Why're you like this Shubman?

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