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His head was throbbing and his hands kept coming up to tug on his sleeves around his elbows. Reid squinted and leaned closer to his computer screen, the text on it blurring slightly before refocusing. The itch was getting harder and harder to ignore as it grew, extending from the crook of his elbows to further down his arm and up his bicep. It was taking all his focus not to itch, he knew it would just make it worse, and he wore a light colored shirt today so if he broke the skin, reopened any of his wounds, it would definitely be noticed by his colleagues. The pile of cases and paperwork he needed to do loomed in his peripheral vision. He brought his hand up and pinched the bridge of his nose before standing up. He stumbled a bit, gaining the unwanted attention of Morgan.

"Whoa pretty boy you ok?" He asked, starting to stand up and walk toward the younger man.

"M-fine, just need to go to the bathroom" Reid mumbled, gaining balance and quickly walking towards the restrooms. When he was able to get in, his eyes slammed shut as the lights in there were harsher than the ones in the hallway. After standing a few seconds with his eyes closed Spencer was able to slowly open them and moved toward the sink. He stuck his shaking fingers under the tap, before cupping his hands and splashing cold water on his face. He looked up at his reflection, grimacing. The moons under his eyes looked like bruises, the white of his eyes were now pink. He looked down and noticed the redness around his nose, cracked skin in his lips. Damn he looked like crap.

His spine felt itchy and he arched his back a few times to try and make the feelings go away but instead it seemed to get worse.

"Reid!?" Spencer stood up at the sound of his name being called. They must've had a case. He shook his head to try to clear his vision before glancing back at his reflection and using the palms of his hands to try and smooth his hair. "Reid!" the door bounces open and Morgan came in, his arms open to his sides as if asking Reid what he was doing. "Kid are you sure you're ok?" Reid nodded, licking his lips and then started to head to the door before he felt Derek's hand on his shoulder stopping him.

"Look kid you look like crap, you've been real quiet today and that's not like you.  You got a whole team of people who care about you, if you don't want to talk to me about it, talk to JJ or someone"

"Thanks Morgan but I'm ok" Reid coughed a little, ducking his head so the hair covered his face from Derek. Before he could say anything else Reid had left the bathroom, heading to the conference room, his teeth grinding in frustration.  The urge to use was growing, joining the throbbing of his headache and making his vision go blurry again for a few steps. Reid got to the round table, sitting down in his seat and opening his case file but he couldn't read it.

Not with the sweat growing along his hairline and his body's inability to stop fidgeting. His leg was bouncing up and down and he kept shrugging his shoulders a little, the feeling of his spine not fitting correctly in his body growing stronger. He felt every molecule in the air touching his body, his clothes rubbing harshly on his skin. He couldn't stop himself as his hand came up and harshly scratched at his neck, leaving angry red trails on it.



Spencer jumped at his name being called, his eyes widened when he saw the whole room looking at him, Garcia standing with her mouth slightly opened in concern, the remote to the monitor resting on her shoulder.  Hotch's eyebrows were drawn and his eyes bore into Reids. Morgan and JJ were calling his name and they sat looking concerned at the younger man.  Emily stood with two coffee cups in her hand, her eyes narrowed and a frown on her face as she watched Reid gain his composure. Gideon tilted his head a little and watched Spencer squirm under all their eyes. 

"I-im sorry, what? " Reid stuttered, standing up quickly and dropping his case file on the floor, papers scattered everywhere, he flinched and quickly dropped to his knees, trying to gather up the papers but his hands were shaking so badly he couldn't, they just kept sliding back onto the floor. He let out a frustrated whine before jerking backwards at a hand reaching toward him.

"Whoa Spencer" JJ said softly, raising her hands to try and calm Reid down.

"Reid what's wrong?" It was Hotch this time, Reid looked up to face his boss but his eyes unfocused and he stumbled a little, his arms and legs spread out like a baby deer. "Reid!" Hotch yelled, grabbing the young doctor and stabilizing him.

"I-im fine!" Spencer said, trying to get out of Hotchner's grip.

"Reid, Reid," Hotch had to repeat Spencer's name several times before he stopped struggling. "I'm sending you home"

"No Hotch i'm fine!"

"Reid" Hotchner's voice was low and he glared at Spencer. "Morgan is going to take you home"

"But the case" Spencer whined, closing his eyes and trying to ignore the rolling in his stomach.

"It's close to home, we will call you when we need you"

Spencer didn't respond, just kept his head hung and slowly shook it back and forth, a low moan leaving his lips. Hotch hauled Spencer up, and nodded at Morgan who took the younger agent. Spencer was significantly paler than usual and when Morgan wrapped his arm around the young man's waist he was quick to notice how sweaty Spencer was.

"Jesus kid" Morgan muttered, nodding at the rest of the team before turning around and slowly walking spencer out. Emily met him at the elevator, helping Morgan hoist Reid's bag on Morgans shoulder.

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