How It All Begins

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I was going home earlier from school cuz I felt really tired the whole day. I felt someone stalking me. I looked sneaky around me and also behind me as I was walking to the end of the school area. I see my ex stalking me from behind. 'Fuck, what do I do'. I just walk forward and noticed that my crush was standing there called Jason. 'Okay you're just gonne walk up there and talk to him'. You probebly think I'm crazy. But believe me. I'm not. He's stalking me for some days now. How do I know? Well everytime I'm going early home hes going to. And then when he can't come further then he walks back to school. I hear that from my friends. So I'm not overreacting.
I walk up to Jason and say hi.
I still see him walking up to me. Slowly closer. I look at Jason and kiss him as fear. I secretly always wanted to do that. Then I look back and see hes walking back. 'Thank God, finely'. I try to walk away but then I feel Jason holding my hand and pulling me back. Then he let's my hand go, what makes me stand in front of him.
Jason: wait, what was that?
He said it, not in a rude way or anything. Just a little confused. What I btway understand.
Y/n: my ex stalked me again.
Jason: wait, you have a ex here on this school?
Y/n:sadly enough yeah.
Jason: wouw, and he stalks you?
Y/n: yeah.
Jason: for how long?
Y/n: for a view days. That's why I kissed you. So he would leave me alone cuz he sees I moved on. What wasn't hard btway. I broke up with him. Cuz hes stupid.
Jason just stand there, looking confused. Then he kinda looks happy.
Jason: what if we let everybody think at this school that we date?
Y/n: why?
Jason: so he finnely sees that you're not in to him and that he leaves you alone.
Y/n: why would you care?
Jason: cuz I hate this school.
Y/n: fine. But we need a contract.
Jason: deal!
Jason chuckles and I smile proudly. Omg I'm fake dating my crush. Okay maybe not a really good idea. But it is a idea. And he has a point. Plus it's nice to have hot boyfriend. Even though it's fake.
Y/n: can I have your number then. So I can send you a contract.
Jason: yeah.
Jason gets his phone and we get each others phone numbers.
Y/n: I'll text you the contact.
I try to leave but he stops me again.
Jason: wait, hold on. What if we do it now.
Y/n: okay, well first. No kissing.
Jason: you kissed me.
Y/n: I know.
Jason: then why the 'no kissing' rule?
Y/n: cuz I want that to be real.
Jason: then that weirdo is not gonne believe it and is gonna stalk you for like forever.
Y/n: okay, kissing it is. But we need to make memories and playlists. Cuz if it looks to us real, then for others too.
Jason: Deal. And prom.
Y/n: Nonononono.
Jason: what, you're not going to prom?
Y/n: you dont wanne stand next to me at prom?
Jason: why not?
Y/n: cuz I'll be wearing baggy Jean's and shirt.
Jason: wait, you're not gonne wear a prom dress?
Y/n: I dont think so.
Jason: dress or nah, we are going. And were going together.
Y/n: fine, but you promise me to go every morning in class, hug me from behind, kiss me on the cheeks, say hi to my friends, so not my ex, and wish me a nice day at school.
Jason: okay.
Y/n: and walk everytime past the class and wave and wink at me.
Jason: okay, I promise. But then you need to stand at least a half of the breaks at school with me and my friends.
Y/n: Deal.
We shake hand and laugh. I send him the contract with the rules. Then I walk home with a big smile on my face. I'm not sure but I think hes looking at me smiling walking away.

𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝑭𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒍Where stories live. Discover now