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There's something different about Alli today. She's acting weird and looks a little different. I feel like a bad friend for not noticing exactly what's up. She hasn't been to school in a week and every time I bring it up she says "I can't talk about it" or changes the subject. Maybe something bad happened, I have no idea and she's not giving off any hints. At PE while we were doing partner pacers (this exercise where you're running back and forth every other beep, everyone hates them including me) Taylor said she noticed something about her too. She couldn't tell exactly what it is so that made me feel a little better knowing that it's not just me. After school I waited for her to come out from the locker room (since she has sixth period PE). She just came out and she doesn't look tired at all, I don't even know if she changed.

"Hey why aren't you tired? Pacers always make you tired, they make everyone tired." I asked.

"I didn't do them" she said with a blank stare, like I said she's been acting weird.

"Why not? Did you forget you PE clothes at home?" I asked her.

"No. I had a doctor’s note so I didn't need to," she said kind of annoyed since I kept asking her about it. I figured she would just get more annoyed if I asked why so I didn't. But I was still curious as to why she would have a doctor’s note when she looks fine and healthy. "My mom's picking me up" she said after a little while of blank stares while me and Taylor were talking, by the way Taylor just joined us.

"Do you want me to wait with you?" I asked her.

"No not today" she said which completely surprised me since we do that whenever she's being picked up, and we do it anyways since Taylor always gets picked up so we all hang out. "I just want to be alone" she said.

"Do you at least want me to wait with you since I'm being picked up too?" Asked Taylor.

"No, can't I just be alone for once?" She said getting annoyed.

"Okay geez. Whatever I'm going straight home then" I said tired of her getting so annoyed. Then I just walked off trying not to look back to prove a point. I don't know what point I was trying to prove, all I know is I was proving it.

I heard Taylor say "why are being mean today?" And I didn't hear Alli's response since I was still walking away. Then Taylor just came running towards me. "Angel! Wait!" She shouted from behind. I stopped and turned around.

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