Part 7

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Lilly's POV

Walking into the guild with my head held high, I see my Father sitting on his throne. After finishing my last assignment, I finally found out where that brat Gajeel kept going off to. Of course, I had no choice but to find out where he is, after all I am the Winter Assassin, I have a reputation to uphold. 

You see, about a month ago, a man named Gajeel Redfox decided he wanted to join Raven Tail. With him being an Iron Dragon Slayer, Father was all for it. After a while, he would randomly disappear or talk into a lacrima. A few of the higher ups within the guild got suspicious, so we decided to try and figure out what he was doing.

On my last mission, I just so happened to run into Gajeel while he was with some brats from the Fairytail guild, he also had their insignia showing. Of course he never saw me, one of my talents is that I can become undetectable when needed.  That's when I realized that he was a double agent. He never wanted to be apart of Raven Tail, he was just gathering Intel on our guild for Makarov.

"Hey Lilly!", looking over near the West wing of the guild, I see my only friend Luna. Walking over to where she is, I see that she's sitting with her supposed team. They call themselves Celestial Knights, because they all have some kind of magic to do with Celestial magic. Her team is the second line of defense in the guild. Quickly, I grab her arm and drag her outside the guild to talk to her. 

"Gajeel Redfox is a double agent. He's apart of the Fairytail guild.", is all I say without emotion. "I overheard him talking with his Pals about how we possess something that the Magic Council wanted. They're going to send a team in to get it, so we have to be prepared." 

After a while, Luna started to laugh quietly, then it turned into a full out cackle. Looking fully towards her, my face quickly goes from emotionless, to annoyed.

"You need to chill, why would he lie to us?" is all Luna said before she walked back into the guild hall. Quickly recomposing myself, I start to head into the guild to report back to my father. 

Walking over to his thrown, the nervousness and annoyance started to become more apparent, after all I have no idea how father will react or how much information Gajeel stole.  

Quickly walking just in front of my fathers thrown, I bow and hold my head down to show respect. 

"Rise, soldier."

"sir I have some information I think you'll want to hear. Its about Gajeel Redfox sir." 


Slowly looking up, I quickly make eye contact with my father. 

"Sir, as I was coming back from my last mission, I ran into Gajeel Redfox talking with Fairy Tail Scum. He also had the Fairytail insignia showing."

"What are you trying to get at Soldier." He says looking bored

"Sir, Gajeel Redfox is a double agent. He's been gathering Intel on Raven Tail for Markov.

"I see, anything else?"

"I overheard him conversing about how the Magic Counsel plans to send in a team to get an item from our guild."

"That Traitorous Brat!" Is all he says while getting up. Pacing back and forth, I could tell he was upset and enraged. 

"Good work, your dismissed." He says while sitting back down. 

With that, I walk out of the guild.

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