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'Dog' was the first thing that came to Michelle's mind. It wasn't, like, a bad thing. It was just the costume the small girl in front of her was wearing. She had tears coming down her face mixed with mascara, the whites of her eyes slightly pink from crying so much. 

So this was the girl singing I Wanna Dance With Somebody from outside the bathroom door? Huh. Brooke Lohst herself. Michelle stared at her for a few minutes, wiping away her own tears and mumbling a soft "come in" as she walked back inside the bathroom. As Brooke walked in, she got back into the bathtub, which had a little bit of trash in it, and laid down in it. 

Brooke closed the  seat of the toilet and sat on it, hugging herself and sniffling softly. Michelle sat  back up and looked at the girl softly, feeing bad that she was having a bad night like her. She tried to talk to her. "Hey... rough night...?"

"Mhm.." Brooke gulped and let out a small sob, wiping the tears off of her face which only smeared her mascara more. Michelle sighed and got up, sitting on the edge of the bathtub now. Brooke mumbled something under her breath. 

"Wanna talk about it...?" Michelle asked quietly.

"... M-My boyfriend..." Brooke hiccuped softly, adjusting her lopsided headband with little dog ears on it. "... he was having sex with my best friend!" She left out another sob and looked down at the ground. 

Michelle got up and walked over to Brooke's side quickly. "Hey hey hey, it's okay...!" Not sure of what to do, she patted the smaller girl's back softly. "He clearly wasn't worth your time if he did that...!"

"I just... thought that someone saw me for once and not Chloe...!!"

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, my so-called best friend is also being a douche to me..." Michelle sighed and stopped patting Brooke's back. Brooke looked up at her as she sat back down on the bathtub ledge.

"What did she do, if you don't mind me asking...?"

"Well, first, its a dude. Second, I try to help him with some stupid shit, and he just fucking calls me a loser and LEAVES!" Michelle growled and looked at the ground. "Whatever. If our friendship means so little to him, I'm better off on my own I guess..." she adjusted her glasses and looked back at Brooke.

The small blonde girl sighed and giggled slightly, still sobbing. "S-Sorry, it's just... wow. Tonight really isn't the night to have besties, is it...?"

Michelle shrugged and chuckled, running her hands through her shirt brown hair. "Totally." 

Awkward silence.

"So... I was gonna gooo..." 

Brooke sighed. "I'd leave, but, my 'best friend'"— she made quotation marks with her fingers as she said that— "is kinda my ride..." 

"Don't sweat it, I can take you home!" Michelle offered. Brooke couldn't live that far away. Besides, it'd give her an excuse to drive around more

Brooke raised an eyebrow, looking suspicious. "Really...?" she asked. "You're not, like, an axe-murderer, are you? I mean, it is Halloween, and I don't even know your name—"

"No, dude." Michelle laughed a bit, rolling her eyes. "I mean, I could turn into one if I ever see Jeremy—" Brooke looked a little scared, so she quickly shook her head. "I'm kidding I'm kidding!! Oh, and my name is Michelle!" She added quickly

Brooke sighed and got up. "L-Let me just clean off my makeup first and we can go..!"


Once they got into the car, Brooke buckled up and sighed, looking out the window. "I should get some Pinkberry tomorrow, but without Chloe..." she mumbled 

Michelle was starting the car and looked over at Brooke. "Pinkberry? Isn't that a frozen yogurt place near the school?" She looked ahead and started to drive, getting an idea to cheer the blondie up. "Because we can go there real quick if you wanted."

"I-It's okay, I don't wanna make you have to stay out too late..."

"It's fine, really!"

"... if you're sure..."

Soon, they arrived at Pinkberry. Once they had parked and walked inside, they got out yogurt cups and started to make their own concoctions of froyo.

Brooke got strawberry shortcake flavored yogurt with strawberries, kiwis, blackberries, and whipped cream. Michelle got chocolate flavored yogurt with cookie dough bits, fudge, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce. Once they weighed their cup and got into a brief argument over who would pay (Michelle won), they went back into the car and started eating. Not while driving, that would be stupid—

"Wow!" Michelle mumbled with a mouthful of yogurt. "This isn't like ice cream at all!"

Brooke looked over at Michelle, smiling proudly. "I know, it's better~!" She giggled as she ate her froyo in tiny bits. 

"Okay, I wouldn't go that far, it still doesn't beat slushees—!" Michelle laughed as she ate more of her yogurt.

After a few more minutes of talking and eating, Michelle finished her yogurt and rested the empty cup on her lap. She looked over at Brooke. "Ready to go?"

Brooke, still eating her yogurt, nodded. "Mhm! And thanks a bunch for taking me here. It means a lot..."

Michelle just shrugged as she started the car, humming softly. "No problem!" She laughed softly as she drove, happy to have made Brooke feel better. Once they reached Brooke's house, they said their goodbyes and Michelle went back to her house. 

She had to admit, Brooke seemed actually really... nice! However, she wasn't really sure if that made them friends. She didn't even get her number.

Oh well. She'd figure it out soon. Michelle soon got home, still feeling a little anger at Jeremy, but not as much as before. 

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