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Chloe Valentine is calling...

Brooke rolled her eyes and put down her nail polish. She couldn't believe this. Chloe had the nerve to call her? After what she did. Whatever. Ignore. She hit the 'decline' button and went back to doing her nails. She couldn't help it, but she started thinking about last night again... was she really just... how did Jeremy say it... a player two?

It didn't matter. Chloe would just say she was sorry, and it would all be over with. Brooke was always tired of making the first apology move; most of the stuff that happened was Chloe's fault, so why should she have to make up for Chloe's mistakes?


Looking over at her phone, Brooke closed her nail polish bottle and raised an eyebrow curiously. It was probably Jenna or Chloe. Makes sense, since they were the only people she really even talked to. Maybe she should've gotten Michelle's number last night. She seemed nice.

After her nails dried, Brooke picked up her phone and read the text.

Chloe Valentine: and also :( I'm sorry I kissed Jeremy at the party but it was totally his fault and let's not let boys come between us ever again mkay? 😊💄🐾

Brooke  rolled her eyes  at Chloe's apology but then thought. Maybe Chloe was actually sorry this time. Chloe was bad with apologies... and it's not like she could just walk away from Chloe. She sighed softly and dialed Chloe's number. Once Chloe picked up, they started taking. "Hey..."

"We cool?" Chloe asked from the other line, sounding sorry. 

"We are." Brooke shrugged even though no one would see it.

Chloe continued talking, no longer seeming that sorry. "Okay! So at the end of last night's party, did you see Rich?"

"No, I was crying..." 

"Oh, okay. So anyway..." Chloe continued talking, not even seeming to feel bad about how upset she made Brooke.


Brooke wasn't paying attention to anything Chloe was saying now; her face turned pink and angry thoughts ran through her head. How could Chloe do this? She thought they were friends! Why doesn't she feel even the slightest remorse for her actions? Brooke hung up and ignored all the other texts Chloe started sending to try and get her attention. She wiped away tears pricking at her eyes. Maybe she was destined to just be a player two forever...

No. This would all blow over. Maybe Chloe would actually feel sorry soon...! But right now, she needed a real friend... like maybe Michelle!

She got up and slipped her shoes onto her feet. She may not know where Michelle is, but she had a good guess. Seven Eleven. Brooke ran downstairs quickly. 

"Brooke, sweetie, where are you going?"

"I-I was going to go see a friend! Oh! And is it okay if I use the car please...?"

"... okay, but be back soon."

Grabbing the keys and yelling a "Thanks!" Brooke ran outside and got into the car after unlocking it. Once she started it, she started driving to the nearest Seven Eleven, hoping Michelle would be there.

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