Jack- Valentine's Day

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As I woke up and thought today is the day Valentine's Day. The day were everyone at school has bags and card and teddy bears and candies and balloons asking everyone who's your Valentine. I got changed and did my hair and put just a tiny bit of make up on I went downstairs to go eat breakfast as I was done I hopped into my moms car and we drove to school. I got out of my moms car and as soon as I looked up to the school students had bags candies balloons cards and teddy bears typical. As I walked into school I saw my best friend by her locker I waved hi to her as she waved back. I walked towards my locker and open it as soon as I did a letter fell out I picked it up and look at the front it's simply said y/n. So I opened it up curiously to what it could be

Dear y/n
       I really like you and wanted you to be my valentine even better maybe my girlfriend. I love that you're always so confident and funny talented smart. I love your smile I love the way your hair moves. I love how you walk into a room very confident of yourself. I love how positive you are always I love that you're always so happy and willing to help people. I love that all of the teachers like you and you know what to do I love that your so social. And I'm telling you this cause I'm too scared to tell it to your face I don't have the guts so it's easier for me to write this all out on paper. Hopefully you can find out who I am and that I really like you even better love you happy Valentine's Day

Your secret admirer

Who can this be from you thought thinking of everyone you know. Putting the letter in your backpack as you heard the bell ring and walked to class. You where in 1 period felling someone looking at you. I turned around to be met with Jack Dylan grazers eyes as soon as he saw you looking he turned around quickly. The whole day went like this now you being annoyed and kinda weirded out. You were in six period now you saw him look again and then the bell ring you quickly left that class walking to your last one seeing your friend their as you say next to her. You told her everything that was happening today and as you're finished your story Jack walked in. The teacher thought since it was the last period She will let you do whatever knowing the students and her didn't want to do anything so everyone was either talking walking around or on their phones. You were with your best friend and a group of other people you sometimes caught jack looking at you but you mostly caught him looking at you when you were laughing. When the bell wrong you walked out and went to your locker. You have all your belongings in your backpack and you were about to close your locker when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to be meet with Jack "hey" " umm.. hi?" You said kinda rudely. "I just wanted to say that I really like you and I was the one who wrote the letter" You were shocked but not really all that shocked. "So do you feel the same" he said You really did like Jack that he was kind of cute but you stupid mouth said something else "ewww no I would never" as soon as you said that you regretted it and you were mad at yourself you saw him look down at his fingers he was fiddling with as he was nervous then looked at his shoes. He looked like his heart just dropped his eyes filled with sadness and then tears. You don't know what to do next you know that he's upset who wouldn't be your crush just said she doesn't like you. So you're dumb self said something even stupider "okay....bye" you said even more ruder that last time and walked away toward your moms car. You hopped in and arrived home trying to forget what just happened.

Jack Dylan Grazer imagines/preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now