First Day

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My day started like any other, the morning quiet and alone. Despite living with my master, a older magician who takes care of me, she was almost never home in the morning. She came back when she was ready to leave and start the day. I liked that about her though since it gave me time to meet Fray. I jumped out of bed minutes after waking up and as my smile slowly grew I dressed and walked into the main area with the strings of my leather armour in my mouth. I opened the door with an elbow as I finished tying up my arms and closed the door behind me with a boot.

I sighed and feigned a fighting stance, fists close to my head and weight on the balls of my feet. I smiled even broader, remembering Fray training me just last week. I lowered my arms and mindlessly walked down the straight hall. I adjusted the leather armour as I walked, the warm heat of enchantments tugging at my skin. Handmade by Fray, strengthened by my master, and worn by me; it made this leather unique and so lovely.

It was so nice being surrounded by those I loved and those who loved me. Speaking of which... I glanced out the open windows at the late dawn light before stopping in front of Fray's door. I knocked with the back of my hand and carefully stepped back, crossing my arms behind me. I kept my smile and readied myself.

The tall, larger young man opened the door with groggy and tired eyes. It creaked harshly as Fray peeked out from behind it without changing his expression. "Brian?" He whispered before blinking hard and standing straight. Joy came calmly and almost disappointingly slow to his face. "Good morning."

I watched his steel-gray eyes shimmer in the sunlight. I noticed his bare chest, wide figure, soft pants, and bare feet in a single look up and down of him. "Everything okay, Fray?"

He turned his head behind him before leaving the room and walking out into the hall. He held his arms in front of his chest and leaned against the closed door. "Of course it is."

I stepped forward and took his hand. "You didn't get in trouble, did you?"

He wrapped his long fingers around my hand in return, his darker olive-tanned skin smooth to the touch. "Luckily, not this time. Did you?"

I averted my gaze and remembered my master's disappointed gaze as I returned to the room late last night. I shook my head and smiled at Fray. I carefully placed a hand against his face and he smiled back.

"Good to hear." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2020 ⏰

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