The Jenna show

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"Are you kidding? Josh is the cutest senior at this school." my friend Jenna said.

"Jenn, you're crazy!! Chace is obviously the cutest senior at the school. How could you not think he"s cute?!"

"Em, I dated him..remember?! Yeah, no. Not going back there.." Jenna said as she shook her head. "Seriously, why did I even date him?!"

"Umm 'cause he's like, I don't know, super sexy?!" I said.

"Whatever, let's just go to school. I can't miss first period Em. My parents will kill me." -Jenna

"Kay, let's go."

I hop in the drivers seat and Jenna hops in the passenger seat. Jenna and I have been best friends forever. We met in the third grade. We're now seniors in high school. We've been trying to pick out boyfriends for eachother. It's our senior year..and were single. That's like saying you're forever alone!! We obviously don't want that. The only thing is, I haven't told Jenn who I really like. Since she used to date him..I kinda can't. It's against the "girl code" and Jenn like swears by all those codes.

We finally arrive to school. It takes five minutes for us to find a parking space. Once we park, Jenna practically jumps from the car and runs to go talk to Josh

"Thanks, slut!" I yell to her.

"Sorry Em! I'll met you in lunch!" She yells wavin her hand behind her,not even turning to look at me. Sometimes I feel so alone. Jenna ditches me practically all the time. Some say she's not a good friend. We've just been through a lot. I mean ten years is a long time!

"Hey Em!" I turn around and see Chace walking to me. He looks at the car. "is this your car?? It's really nice! My car is like a 1980 chevy."

"Well, it's technically my parent's car. But thanks! Haha."

"Anytime. Haha!" Chace says with hands in his pockets. "So listen," he says as he grabs his neck and starts rubbing it. Oh god I love when he does that. "there's this party this weekend. You goin?"

"Oh I dont know. Maybe, Jenna will probably drag me to it." I say with a smile. He smiles back.

"Well, why don't you go with me to the party?" He says with his perfect blue eyes looking into my boring brown eyes.

"Yeah, ok. I'll go with you. Only if YOU pick me up. I'm not gonna pick you up." I say with a dumb ass grin. I can't keep it together when he's around! What's wrong with me?!

"Hah, ok I'll pick you up at 7 on Friday." he says with a tiny smile appearing at the corners of his mouth. The bell rings. That means five minutes before first hour.

"Well, I better go! I'll talk to you later?"  I say.

"Yeah, see ya Em!" he says as he turns to leave, "Em, I'll call you later today."

"Ok!" Oh. My. God. Chace frigging Efron just asked me to a party...then he said he'll call me later today. Is this real?! He hasn't called me since tenth grade..when he was dating Jenna. I shake my head and start running for school. I can't believe I was just standing like an idiot in the school parking lot for like three minutes. Good thing my class is basically right where the entrance is.

I walk into my first period and everyone stares at me. Cool. I just love that feeling. The bell rang for school to start.

"Good morning class!" Ms. Weir, my English teacher said. "Did you all read chapter 15?" Crap. I forgot to read the chapter. Great. Now she's gonna go ape shit. "Did anyone read chapter 15?" she says again. "Emily, did you read chapter 15?" Of course.

"Umm no Ms. Weir. Sorry." I say as I slowly sink into my seat.

"Can I ask why you didn't read the chapter miss Emily?" she says as she raises her big bushy eyebrows. God she needs to get those waxed.

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