Loving The Mafia

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Dedicated to: flowery-blossoms


"Bambola." Lorenzo warned, "Put the spoon down. I'm scared shitless." He taunted.

"Vaffanculo." I snarled. (Fuck you)

He chuckled, "You already have." Taking my spoon armed hand, he lowered it. His touch made me feel weak at knees. Stupid Lorenzo.

"Get out Lorenzo." I growled. "You are not wanted here."

"Come back to me, cioccolato." He whispered looking me straight into my eyes. It's something I haven't seen in a while. His eyes were pleading and somewhere sincere. He quickly hide them leaving me looking into lifeless steal grey eyes.

"No." Before I realized what was happening he had a fistful of my hair. I groaned in pain.

"You want me drag you out bombola?" He let out a low growl.

"Fucking try culo(ass)." I kneed him in the crotch.

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