Chapter 19

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The view from the air balloon was breathtaking.

Elsa marveled at the landscape beneath them and the view from ahead; Mt Aragorn loomed and towered before them. 

They were close enough now to make out distinct features on the mountains rocky side; for example, Elsa could now see the gnarled trees dotting the sides of Mt. Aragorn.

Two trees in particular were massive. They were side by side and gnarled with all sorts unnatural joints, yet had no leaves which sprouted from them. By all accounts they looked dead, fossilized to the Earth as grim totems.

"Well then, Frosty - your quest is almost over," Elsa turned to regard Olivia sitting casually on the floor of their air balloon. "Soon we will arrive at the foundation of Baba Yaga and be able to rescue your sister."

"Yes," said Elsa. "Thank you, by the way. From the bottom of my heart. I know you took a huge risk to assist me, and it means so very much to me, all you did for me and my sister."

Olivia scoffed but Elsa wasn't done. She knelt beside Olivia and looked at her earnestly. "I have to ask again...why? Why did you go through all this trouble for me?"

Olivia was caught off guard by Elsa's vulnerability. She ran her hands through her short air, averted her eyes and exhaled. "The way you talk about your reminds me so much of the relationship I have between my brother and I. We've had no one in this world, for most of our lives. We were just chattel, slaves used for our powers that could be extinguished without a moment's notice. But...I'd do anything for my sibling. And it seems like you would do the same. And I respect that from you, Fro-er, Elsa. I respect you."

Elsa's eyes softened and she smiled. Olivia met her gaze and slowly smiled back. With what little room they had in the basket of the air balloon, Elsa attempted to crawl over and place a hand on Olivia's face...but Olivia promptly stood up and looked away, back to their surroundings.

Elsa sighed. "Sorry. That was presumptuous of me. I just thought....I don't know what I thought."

"It's fine," Olivia said. "It's not you, it's...I can't allow anyone to get close to me."

The mood suddenly became awkward between the two girls. Elsa stood up again, and that's when she saw it: another aircraft approaching from where they had came. As it neared, she could see it was some sort of tandem bike device held up with a miniature zeppelin. On the bike, pedalling fiercely, were the three brigadiers from the forest once again.

"I don't believe it..." said Elsa. Olivia looked up and also took note of their pursuers.

"Thought you could get away from us, eh dearies!" yelled the leader once they were within earshot. "Too bad for you you're in our domain now!"

The shorter and the larger brigadier began lodging wind attacks at the air balloon, knocking it to and fro within the sky. Elsa and Olivia desperately tried to hang on and to not get tossed out of the basked that was getting knocked about wildly.

"We have to fight back!" said Elsa.

"I can't!" said Olivia. "I could potentially ignite the gas that's keeping us afloat. If one my flames misses my mark and accidentally burn this balloon, we're done for. It has to be all you. I'll try to keep us on course."

Elsa didn't like that news but she had no choice. She lobbed her ice attacks at the approaching zeppelin bike but to no avail; the wind powers of the brigadiers simply deflected her attacks out of the way. They were gaining on them, and now Elsa could see that the shortest of the three had pulled out a scimitar and was preparing to leap onto their craft. The situation was looking more dire by the second.


Ivy had asked for another audience with Anna and Yves. They sat silently in her chambers as Ivy peered once again through her magic window.

"Ahh..." said Ivy, speaking more to the window than to her captives. "Our guests have finally arrived."

"Elsa?" Anna said hopefully. Yves whined and fidgeted in Anna's arms.

"I suppose I should properly greet them." Ivy snapped her fingers; her rock golem servants stood menacingly in front of Anna and Yves, discouraging any ideas of retreat. The magic window extended until it reached the floor, and when it was the size of her body she stepped right through it. At that point, both she and the window vanished.


The short brigadier had successfully connected with the air balloon and was now waving the scimitar wildly at the girls, staving them off. He then scurried up the side of the craft, and that's when Elsa realized his cruel intent: he was going to stab the air balloon.

"Elsa! Do something!" Olivia cried.

Elsa looked to Olivia, then back to the brigadier. Olivia attempted to follow after the man and drag him down, but he was a lot stronger than he looked and kicked and swatted at Olivia with his weapon.

The larger brigadier still controlling the zeppelin bike with his leader pointed up into the sky. "Hey boss - what's that?"

"Oh look, someone new is here," remarked the Olaf necklace.

"What?" Elsa looked up.

Ivy had suddenly appeared from a portal in the sky and was descending rapidly toward the fray.

Elsa, the brigadiers, and Olivia only got a brief look at the woman, and her malevolent smirk, as she snapped her fingers.

In an instant, the woman vanished and grew, transforming into a massive scaly beast.

When its giant wings unfurled it took up the entire sky, and both the air balloon and the brigadier craft in its wake were destroyed.

Elsa Out of Her Element ✔ [COMPLETED] | A Frozen 3 Disney LGBTQ Fanfiction (GXG)Where stories live. Discover now