🔶 12 - Bullies 🔶

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[Api's POV]

I hate school.

I just hate it.

Not to the fact that we have so many homeworks, tests and school activities to do or to spend for almost the whole day there because I'm okay with all of those (since my family doesn't even care about my existence at home anyway)...

But, for the fact that...

... I'm the victim of the bullies.

Yes, I'm getting bullied at school.

Just like at home, they're hurting me physically, and mentally...

When did this happened, you ask?

Ever since my big brother never cared about me anymore...

... up until now.

He was always there when some students starts or attempts to bully me.

When he saw me getting bullied by them, he would immediately go infront of me and defend me from them, stopping them by just threatening them and in just a blink of an eye, the bullies were already gone.

After that, he would turn around to face me, kneel down on my level and offer his hand to me, giving me a soft smile and reassured me that everything will be okay....

"Just as long as I'm here, you're going to be okay, my little brother..."


... where are you now when I needed you the most, big brother?

<=> ~ <=>

"HA! LOSER!" A tall boy, who's one of the bullies, exclaimed as he pushed me harshly on the locker. I groaned in pain, my teeth clenched tightly from the painful impact.

"What now, small brat?" Another boy from the group of bullies smirked, his arms crossed on his chest with his devilish eyes looking at me while chuckling evilly.

"You don't belong in here, scaredy scamp!"

Their insults...

"Crazy mischief-maker!"

... name-callings...


and hurtful words...

"You're weak, and you'll always be weak!"

... I got used to all of it since, that's what my family does to me too, right? I chuckled bitterly on that thought.

Family, should I still call them that? Am I still part of it? Are they still my family? Or, were they? Another thought made me chuckled more bitterly.

Who's going to save me now? I guess... nobody. Nobody even cares. Nobody even knows if I still exist in this world. Nobody loves me for who I am.

Just... no one.

Thinking too deeply with my thoughts, I hadn't realized...

... I was getting beaten up already by the bullies.

It hurts, really.

Every painful kick they do to me...

... and every impact of their punch they made to me.

But, what really hurts more is the fact that, no one has a heart to even save me from getting hurt, from feeling hurt.

I guess... I'm useless...

... a useless, piece of trash...

... like a dried, old leaves who has no color, so dull-looking, so weak and worthless.

If I'm not safe at home...

... then, I guess...

I'm not safe even at school either...

Heh... Thanks for giving me this life story of me, life... 

I then suddenly feel like I'm going to lose my consciousness. Every parts of my body feels numb. My tired eyes started to close completely.

But, before I lose my consciousness, I heard someone shouted.


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