Our little metting

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•Izuku POV•
*Why was Kiri watching me? When did he get there? Why did it I fee...* I was snapped out of my thoughts by Kiri yelling at me "DEKU WERE DID U LEARN TO SING LIKE THAT" I look at him with an of u don't keep it down in going to Detroit smash you into the sun look and he got the memo "sorry but I'm curious" I Mentally facepalmed "ok so I am self taught to sing I had no help what so ever and u are not to tell anyone got it" I seen Kiri have a nervous look on his face " yha come on bro we need to get to class" i Nod in agreement when we get there I take my set and Dinki comes up to me to start a conversation " to Izuku u ok u look pissed"
"Hi Dinki i'm just mad because Someone wants to invade my personal life without my permission to and that ruined my good mood" I replied looking in to his bright yellow eyes " oh sorry to hear that well talk to you later classes about to start" he said to me before turning to walk away "ok Dinki bye"
(Time Skip brought to you by human Pikachu)
I had knocked o kachan's door and waited for it to open and once it did I went in and seen kachan looking at me "finally BB you are here" o rolled my eyes and said " yah yah now what do you want for me Kachan" looking at him then he said something that had me shocked to the point I could not speak " U ofc" then he started to walk over to and I did not move cuz of how shocked I was then he kissed me and I kissed back then he....

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