The taste of the plastic cap of the pen I've been biting this whole lecture is not nice, but the thought of Axel is. I can't seem to be able to get rid of the thought of him, he just pops into my mind every now and then. Since the first year, I've met him I try to get to know him better, but he is so closed off that I can't find any loophole to sneak in. He intrigues me what can I say.
"And that is it, we're done for today. I'll hopefully see all of you next week," the professor says to us.
Thank God! This lecture was so boring I was yawning all the time. I grab my bag and left the room with my two friends, Maya and Nadia. I met Nadia during freshers week at a party and Maya at the introduction lecture. We bonded very quickly with one another, easily becoming friends.
"Where were you all lecture?" Nadia asks me with a smirk on her face.
"Sitting next to you, didn't see me, or are you blind now?" I say.
"I meant mentally. You know hanging out with Axel is not doing you any good you start to sound like him," she rolls her eyes at me.
I scoff, "As if speaking to him for 2 minutes three days a week is classified as hanging out with him."
For some reason, I never feel comfortable enough to talk about him with my friends. Not that I have much to talk about anyway.
They're too judgmental at least Nadia. She blindly believes any rumour she hears and that means usually a ton of bullshits. I like Nadia, she is a good friend as long as she doesn't shove her face in other people's business.
Maya is the opposite; she is the quietest one out of the three of us. Maya doesn't really judge a book by its covers well at least not always, and she doesn't lecture me as Nadia does sometimes.
I sigh and close my eyes for a split second knowing what is going to come next. Professor Nadia Lecture number 102.
"Listen, Mia," here we go.
"Depends on what you're going to say to me I may or may not listen," I fake a sweet smile and see what my friend has to say now.
"I'm only saying these things to you because I don't want you to get hurt or do anything stupid," Nadia says with a frown on her face emphasizing to the last three words she said.
"Oh, so this is what this is all about?"
Now I realize what this is, I scoff. Wow! My own friend doesn't even trust me, nice.
"Mia it's just-," I interrupt her.
"Listen, Nadia, if you're worried about me ruining my relationship with Carter, don't. As I said to you before, I only exchange a few words with Axel and even if I end up being friends with him that is not of your concern. I can have guy friends just like my boyfriend has girl friends. There is nothing wrong there. Can you stop lecturing me for one second and stop worrying about me. I'm 19 going to be 20 soon so I can make my own decisions."
I start walking away before she can say anything else. I have had conversations like this with her since the first year, I'm tired.
"Mia wait!" Maya's sweet voice calls out to me. She never likes it when we're fighting.
"What?" I turn around and face them. Nadia avoids eye contact while Maya has a frown on her face.
"You both know that I hate it when we fight. We're friends, we're supposed to have each other backs. Nadia is only looking out for you maybe in the wrong way, yeah, and I don't like the way she goes about things either but that doesn't mean she doesn't care. As for you Mia no one is stopping you from talking to him, hanging out with him, or whatever else you might do with him, all we're saying is to be careful. That's it, " She says while switching her eyes between the two of us. Maya always tries to keep the peace in our group.
"Yeah but you keep saying to me to be careful with him over and over and over again. It's tiresome. I get it that you don't like him, even though you don't know any actual shit about him and I'm sorry to say it but, I don't care what you think. I can form my own opinions about people. I appreciate you looking out for me but you're overdoing it. I told you numerous times before that I'm careful with him. You guys are acting as if he would kill me or something, relax, " I say to them, hopefully, this will be the last time we'll talk about him, but I doubt it.
"Okay, okay we're sorry, we won't tell you anything regarding him again, " Nadia says.
"Finally! Thank you, " I say and check my phone, shit! I'm gonna miss the bus.
"I got to go I'm going to miss the bus, " I say to them as I started walking backwards.
"Okay don't forget to text me about the assignment!" Maya yells at me.
"I won't," I say to her and turn around smacking my forehead on a pair of hard collarbones. Fuck! This is embarrassing already! Do I look up? Do I keep looking down? Do I just step aside and bolt out of here?
Shivers run down my spine at the familiar voice.
I open my mouth to speak but the feeling of his hand been buried in my hair makes me freeze. What is he doing? Today we've had more physical contact than we had the whole year and a half I've known him.
He suddenly yanks my hair back, making my head snap up to him. I smack his hand away, major ouch!I furrow my eyebrows and stare at his deep blue-green eyes, "What the hell is wrong with you? That shit fucking hurt. You don't just pull someone's hair like that! It's not a wig!"
The amused smirk on his face makes me want to slap it of him.
"You don't like it rough?" he asks me.
Oh, okay, I smirk back at him, two can play this game.
"I like it... but only during sex, " I say to him watching as his smirk drops and eyes widen just for a split second.
"What didn't expect that?" I ask putting on an extra sweetness to my tone. I move closer to him, going on my tiptoes so my lips are just barely grazing his ear.
"But usually I like to be the one doing the pulling, " I whisper to him and brush my fingers through the hair at the back of his head and yank, hard.
He hisses and I let go laughing.
"Did that hurt, big guy?" I ask him as my laughing dies down being replaced by a wide smile.
"In a nice way yeah, although I would've preferred a more private demonstration, " he says with his smirk coming back on his face.
I bite my bottom lip to try and keep my smile at bay.
"In your dreams Axel, " I say and move away from him going towards the door.
"I do dream of that, " He says and throws a wink my way.
"Then keep on dreaming because they won't be turning into reality anytime soon, " I giggle and left him standing there with his signature grin in place.
Oh, dear! I totally miss the bus. Great!
Hey everyone, hope you enjoy this chapter!
Some questions for you on this chapter:
-What is your first impression of Nadia and Maya?
-What do you think about Mia so far?
Feel free to comment & vote! ❤️
I really do appreciate all the feedback that I can get as long as it's in a respectful manner.
Have a nice day or night depending on where you are! xx

Romance"You don't like it rough?" he asks me. Oh, okay, I smirk back at him, two can play this game. "I like it... but only during sex, " I say to him watching as his smirk drops and eyes widen just for a split second. "What? Didn't expect that?" I ask...