A Rat in a Nest

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Harry didn't find out anything until three hours later, when they woke up.

By that time, he had already finished sending Sirius a letter telling him what had happened and asking for him and Remus to come to Hogwarts.

Lily woke up first, turning her head sideways.

"Who...?" Her eyes were a beautiful emerald, different from his own Avada Kedavra ones.

"I am Harry Potter. Can you tell me who you are?" He said calmly.

As of this moment, he had his true form, a grown man of around 180 cm with ebony hair and bright green eyes that were eerie and strange on such a handsome face.

Behind him, his wings stretched high, intimidating and regal.

"H-Harry? No, that can't be... you should be 15 right now...." she mumbled, trying to sit up, only to forcefully be pulled back because of the chains.

"I will release you if you answer my questions. Who are you?"

Lily squinted at him, obviously still disoriented. "Huhn? I'm Lily. Lily Evans."

"Really? Who's that beside you then?"

Lily turned. Her eyes widened, instantly cleared of dizziness.

"James!" She looked around, finally focusing on her surroundings. "What the—— where am I?! Who the hell are you?! Release us!"

Harry blinked. She really was feisty.

"Like I said, I'm Harry Potter."

"Bullshit! My nephew is a whole lot younger than you creep! Release me and I'll rearrange your face, you bastard!" She snarled.

James opened his eyes, sleepy before he woke up, truly alert.

"Lily? What's happening?"

"Some creep tied us down!" Lily said loudly, glaring at Harry and trying to use her magic in small bursts to untie herself.

Harry was shocked when he felt her affinity.

She's a dark witch?!

James turned towards him, quiet and calm.

He didn't act like the prankster many people have tried to tell him of.

"Like I said, I'm Harry Potter." He repeated.

James' eyes widened. "Harry?"

He narrowed his eyes. "What's your mother's name?"

"Severus Snape."

They blinked in shock.

Harry smirked. "Yes, I know the fact that you, Sirius, Remus and my mom were a 4-way pair. I know that Lily Evans was truly mated with Marlene McKinnon. And both of you were captured together the night Voldemort attacked. Now, will you tell me what really happened?"

They were silent.

Then James spoke, "Dumbledore was the one who captured us."

"I'm not surprised. What'd he do?"

"Release us first and maybe we'll talk." Lily snapped.

Harry transported all of them to Tom's manor. Tom has just seen Harry leave, so when Harry arrived again looking a little different, he went, "Huh?"

"It's me, Tom."

When he heard that, he groaned.

"Harry, we just did it, give me a break...."

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