Chapter 4

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The District 12 graveyard was a peaceful place. Mockingjays sang in the yew trees around it, and in the center there was a large marble stone monument to all who had died in the coal mines without their bodies being recovered. The Everdeens glanced toward it, remembering Mr. Everdeen, whose name was one of the many inscribed on it.

Hunger Games Tributes occupied a corner by themselves; there was room for many more. Katniss' grave was beside Peeta Mellark's, and someone had tied a ribbon between their grave markers. Rue read the inscription on Katniss' stone:

Katniss Everdeen

"The Girl on Fire"

Tribute, 74th Hunger Games

She loved her sister more than she loved her life.

Rue began to weep softly as she knelt and placed the flowers on the grave. They weren't the only ones; there were a good few other flowers there, in various stages of decay. Some of them bore the symbols of other Districts...Rue recognized the one for District 5, and another from District 9.

Next part - "Her story touched people," Mrs. Everdeen whispered. "We even got bouquets from the Capitol, if you can believe it."

"Oh, I can, Mrs. Everdeen," Rue murmured. "The Capitol people mostly aren't bad. The ones I met mostly struck me as very like little children. They're kept that way on purpose, I think." Then she addressed the gravestone:

"Katniss, if you can hear me, I want you to know that I'm so sorry you had to die; it wasn't my idea. When I get married, I'll name my daughter after you, as my way of thanking you for giving me my life."

"That would be lovely," Mrs. Everdeen whispered. "And I know she'd want you to live a long, long life. She didn't give your life back to you to have you throw it away."

"Thank you, Mrs. Everdeen." Rue stood up and brushed the dirt off her knees. "I have a good few hours before I have to board my train. Will you show me around this District?"

After Rue got on her train, people noticed that the Everdeens had some things they hadn't had before. Along with Lady, two more nanny goats and a young billy frolicked in the pen behind their house, and their larders were well-stocked. At the station, Prim hugged Rue goodbye, and made her promise to come back sometime so she could see the little goats she planned to breed.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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