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"IT'S OVER! I HATE YOU!" I screamed at my now ex-girlfriend with tears pouring down my face. "Baby I'm Sorry! She meant nothing to me I Swear!" "Whatever J, you can kiss my ass! Don't call or text me I'm Done" I said walking away.  "We're not over Kiyah" she said while grabbing my arm "Bitch you're dead to me" I told her as more tears came down my face causing her to let me go . "Just leave me alone". I said as I snatched away from her and walked out the door.

I had been dealing with Jaylin for 2 years, she was the first girl I ever loved, she was the reason my family and friends knew I was Bi-sexual. Jaylin made me the happiest girl in the world, she made me feel beautiful , she pushed me to do better with my life and she showed me how a woman should be loved and adored. But cheating was one thing I don't deal with. I watched my father cheat on my mother most of my life and I always swore that that would never be me. I would never accept it, if you do it once you'll do it again and I knew better than to believe her lies. Although this was the first time she physically cheated I've caught her texting females before and I knew that once she phsically cheated she would continue especially if I stayed.

              I have to protect myself and that's exactly what I'm doing .  Driving home was the hardest thing to do ,all I wanted to do was pull over and breakdown, and that's what I did. I parked my car on the side of the road and cried my heart out. I couldn't believe the woman I thought I would marry would hurt me like this. Most people would look at me and say " well it's only the first time work things out." But I know jaylin and even though it's the first time it won't be the last. When we first met Jaylin told me how she was cheater but I didn't care then because we weren't dating then we were just friends. When I realized I was growing attached toJaylin I fell back and I stopped texting her . After a few months my bestfriend and I ended up going to the restaurant she worked at to pick up my moms food and from there we started back talking. I didn't want to fall in love, I was fine being single. They say the best love is unexpected... If that's the case why does it hurt so bad?

While crying I heard a knock on my window I looked up to see a darkskin boy, he looked kind of young. I rolled my window down while wiping my tears. "yes?" I chocked out "hey, are you ok? I seen you on the side of the road I thought you needed help." He said looking concered. " I'm fine, just a bad day, Thanks for checking." I said sadly " well is someone coming to get you? It's not good to be crying and driving." He said making me laugh a little "I'll be fine, just needed to get myself together." I replied "ok. Well I hope things get better for you" he said before walking off towards his car and driving off.

              I pulled off and headed home. Luckily my mom wasn't here I didn't feel like answering her questions and hearing her say " I told you not to mess with that girl anyway" My mom didn't hate Jaylin she just hated that I liked her more than a friend. My mom was not happy when she found out I was interested in girls. She spoke on it all the time about how I need a man and a woman could never do what a man can do for me. I laid in bed and started back crying immediately . My phone began to ring and ignored it. After awhile I kept getting text messages and calls back  to back. I answered without looking at the caller i.d. and yelled " leave me the fuck alone!"  "well damn bitch I was just calling to see if you wanted to go for drinks" I heard my bestfriend Tiara respond " omg! I'm sorry bestfriend I thought you were jaylin" I said finally looking at the phone and seeing it was a facetime call. I quickly wiped my tears. " oh no bitch why the fuck you crying?! Do I need to kill this bitch?!" she screamed " she cheated. I broke up with her, I'm done" I replied "SHE CHEATED?! WITH FUCKING WHOOOOOO?!" she asked "some girl she met through a friend. It happened last week and she finally admitted to doing it. I knew she did but she kept denying it and I had no proof but her confirming it just hurts." I said sniffing and wiping the fresh tears. "Well fuck her then! You deserve better and if she cheating with a bitch she just met then let her go and be happy with that bitch. Get dressed we going out I refuse to let you cry over a bitch. I'll be there at 10" she said I looked at the clock and seen it was 8:09pm. "ok. See you soon bestfriend" I said back " Love you biiihhh I'll see you soon" she said before hanging up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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