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'Man I'm so tired'

We were all sitting in the mess hall eating breakfast, and our team trying not fall asleep; save for me and Duncan, we were trying -emphasis on trying- to get some shuteye before the challenge today. Yeah, we have a challenge today which is total bull considering we just finished a challenge yesterday. So me and Duncan are riding on 4 days of no sleep -Im ready to kill Harold-, and Duncan is really cranky.

"Duncan you look like crap dude" Chris states as he struts in with that God forsaken smirk of his. Duncan tells him to 'stuff it' before going back to trying to rest.

"Harold snored all night" Courtney explain but Chris was to busy with watching me as I battled with my eyelids so I could get the challenge information, but ultimately failing since my head keeps hitting Duncan's shoulder everytime I dozed off.

"Wow four days with no sleep how much are you guys hurting?" He asked rhetorically. Duncan gets up, making my head hit the table. 'ow'

"Wanna find out" Duncan growls. Chris puts his hands up in surrender as everyone else ducks under the table. I sit up and grab him before settling back down and putting his head on my shoulder. My eyes close until I heard the door open as Harold walks in with a badly drawn on mustache, almost everyone snorting or laughing at him. He sits down across from me, which probably isn't the best idea considering I wanted to strangle him. Our whole table started to laugh, before Geoff tells Harold that someone messed with his face. I don't hear what happens next as I drift off. I get barely woke up to go to the next challenge. I lazily follow the rest of my team dragging Duncan along with me despite his protests.

I finally managed to drag Duncan to the challenge site, which seems to be a glass encased basketball court, before I collapse on the bench with Duncan on top of me. Duncan lifts his head to look at the rest of our team.

"Wake me up and it'll be the last thing you do, wake her up and they'll never find your body" he threatens before laying his head on my stomach and falling asleep. Courtney turns to Harold.

"This is all your fault you know, you and your snoring face"

"It's called a medical condition..gosh" Harold all but shouts back. I roll my eyes before drifting off to sleep myself.
"Ok it's really bad. We lose one more game we lose the challenge, again. We need someone strong, someone clever, someone mean, someone that will crush those gophers into the dirt" everyone looks at Echo and Duncan who were peacefully sleeping the whole time everyone was getting splattered at dodgeball.

"Nu uh, they'll kill us if we wake them up" Dj stressed not want to even think about what the siblings would do to them.

"They won't kill us guys they want to win as much as we do" Courtney said rolling her eyes, but she didn't want to admit that Duncan's threat seemed genuine.

"Courtney is right guys we need Duncan's fierceness and echo's brains to win this" Harold agreed.

"That's the spirit Harold, now go wake them up" she shoved him in the direction of the sleeping forms.

"Why me?" Harold whines. He didn't want to die, Duncan already seemed to strongly dislike the nerdy boy.

"Because other than Tyler you're the worst at dodgeball" Courtney reasoned. "And if they do kill you, you're the only one we can afford to lose" Harold looked terrified.

"No way, I'm not doing it"

"Well, then who's going to do it" the basses all looked at each other, somebody had to poke the sleeping bears.

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