JUNGKOOK I'm sorry about offending your pig JUNGKOOK Your pig is very cute JUNGKOOK But when I said cute I meant you JUNGKOOK I saw you walking Breakfast the other day and I couldn't get over how pretty you are JUNGKOOK So I went searching for you and I found you but we got off on the wrong foot JUNGKOOK Can we start over??? JUNGKOOK Omg I'm sorry I'm rambling
JIMIN Wow JIMIN That was really sweet JIMIN I think...
JIMIN Of course big guy☺️
JUNGKOOK Oh god that's cute JUNGKOOK My name is Jeon Jungkook I'm 19 years old JUNGKOOK I really like skating and sausage and you🥺
JIMIN I'm Park Jimin I'm 21 years old JIMIN I really like animals, bananas, cheap veggie burgers, and daisies JIMIN And you've caught my attention 🙃 JIMIN What do you look like???
JUNGKOOK You have to send me a selca to tho
JIMIN Deal JIMIN You first though
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JIMIN Awww 😊 handsome boy
JUNGKOOK Askjdflkkddasge JUNGKOOK hE cAlLEd mE hAnDsOme 🥰🥰🥰 JUNGKOOK You're turn 🥺
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JUNGKOOK Oh JUNGKOOK My JUNGKOOK God JUNGKOOK You are literally so pretty🥺😍 wowww🙃💀