Happy Ending

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He couldn't do this. No, at least not without him. His one love he had worked so hard withto make this wasn't here with him to share their accomplishments. Who was this one love? And who was this person? It was Hyunwoo remembering Hoseok. Theone he fell in love with as a trainee. Why was Hyunwoo like this? Lets go back to the beginning of all their problems. No, not back to their trainee years. 

2 years ago Hyunwoo POV

"Wonho!" Is he okay? I have to take him to the hospital immediately! Why am I like this? Well, Wonho hasn't been feeling so well, he's been sick and more fatigued, and today he just fainted in the middle of practice.

At the hospital 3rd POV

The boys had just arrived at the hospital with Hyunwoo carrying an unconcious Wonho in his arms. "I need a doctor stat! My friend fainted and has been very sick lately." Jooheon was explaining this to the nurse as calmly as he could. "I'll get you a doctor right away." *Over the intercom* "Dr. Yeo, you are needed at the front desk, I repeat, Dr. Yeo, you are needed at the front desk." *click* "I need one of you to fill in personal information about the patient. Considerably a relative. Anyone related to the patient?" "No, but the one carrying him is his boyfriend. Is that okay?" Jooheon had just spoken up. "Yes, as long as he is able to fill out the information.." "Yes, I can fill out the information." "I'm here! What is the emergency nurse Kim?" "You have a patient that fainted and has a slow pulse." "Quick follow me, you don't fill out the basic information, I already have him registered." They quickly rushed him to the room and Dr.Yeo checked up onWonho, having hooked him up to an oxygen machine and other machines. "I've got bad news and good news. Bad news is that your boyfriend and friend has leukemia, but the good news is that he has mild leukemia, as in its still in its early stages and can be treated and he still has a lot of time left." Everyone was left in shock. Their teammate had leukemia?   "W-what's happening?" "Baby, you have leukemia, but it's treatable. You only have a few restrictions" "Yes, as your partner told you. Wonho, you have leukemia, but before you start freaking out, its a very mild form and your very lucky. Your friends brought you in before it got really bad. It's still in it's early stages so we can still treat it. There are however a few restrictions. You can't force yourself to work, you need to rest a lot, you need to drink a lot of fluids. Also, make sure you have a lot of vegetables as well. Also, you'll easily bruise so be careful or your fans might get the wrong idea." The doctor continued given them advice and instructons as well as an inhaler. They all went back to the dorms and as Dr. Yeo had said, Wonho would easily get tired and fatigued, so he fell asleep with his head in Shownu's lap.

Back to the present Author Pov

After that they were fine until a few months in October.

October 28th, 2019 Dance Practice Room

He didn't know what was happening. He was just dancing to Jealousy to warm up with his members when he suddenly started feeling faint. What's happening to me? I know I got enough sleep and rest last night. Why do I feel so... faint? and then everything slowly went black as the loud music turned off and I heard someone yell my name. Then everything went black.

The same day but at the hospital. My POV

Wonho was on the hospital bed. Oxygen mask attached as well as a heart rate and pulse detector and a few other machines. His skin paler than ever. "Boys I'm sorry, but it seems as though his condition has gotten worse. He's going to stay to go through stronger chemotherapy and a few other treatments as well." "H-his leukemia got worse?" Shownu asked this not caring that he stuttered. His boyfriend's leukemia just got worse and he just found out that his partner would be staying there until he got better.

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