Stark Internship

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Peter's POV
It was my first day of the Stark Internship and I was already running behind. Ned was going to take Riley (a/n Riley is the sister) and I to school where Happy was going to pick me up for the internship. The only problem was that Ned would be here any minute now and I wasn't even close to being ready.

"Pete, Riles. Ned is here" May yelled from the front door. I could hear Riley race downstairs as I rushed to finish packing my bag.

*time skip to at school*
I was sitting in Ancient History, bored out of my brains waiting for Happy to text me. I glanced down at my phone to see one new notification, "Meet me out the front in 10". It was 20 minutes until the end of  class so I grabbed my bag, asked for a hall pass to go to the bathroom and jolted out of class. I skidded through the halls to see Happy waiting outside the front entrance.

"Hey kid, ready for your first day of being the Tony Stark's intern?" Happy asks. Honestly, I was so super excited but I managed to cough up a convincing 'yeah' in reply.

The ride there wasn't very long but it felt like forever. Happy didn't talk that much which was awkward but inside i was grateful. I was too nervous to talk to anyone in that moment. When we got to Stark Tower, Mr Stark wasn't there to greet us, apparently he had to attend a meeting with S.H.I.E.L.D and he wouldn't be back until early tomorrow morning.

*time skip to later that day*
Happy had spent most of the day showing me around and laying down the basic rules for Mr Stark mentoring me. I was about to leave when a thought came to my mind. I turned back to see Happy still standing there.

"Sir, would it be alright if I brought my sister Riley with me tomorrow? It's just that she's so excited about me getting to work for Mr Stark and she's also super smart. It would make her so happy to be allowed to come visit." I gave him my best puppy dog eyes to try persuade him.

" I guess it wouldn't hurt for her to come visit for a little while" he looked uncertain, like he was trying to find a reason why she shouldn't come but he couldn't.

"Thank you so much Happy, you won't regret it" I yell back at him as I race to the bus stop. I was so excited to tell Riles the good news.

Hi guys, this is my first fan fiction ever. I will hopefully get a new chapter out either tomorrow or by Wednesday. Ik this story is about Riley and not Peter and I promise I will introduce her properly in the next chapter. Hope your all doing well.

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