My stomach lurched as my screams reached till my throat to let out all the fear that had been building inside me however nothing but a strangled cry left my lips.
I felt Trapped!
With no way out, no door, no windows, a seal, not even a crevice but absolute blackness with no trace of light.
I was longing for the warmth of sunlight, refreshing breeze in long grasses, freedom to touch the sky but how would I escape the confinement?
When the prison was my mind itself!
"Shush, You are safe now
I will protect you from the monsters outside
Nothing in this world can hurt you now
After all, No one will be able to touch you,
see you
hear you
or even smell you
because that's what a good boyfriend does right?
Keep his girl safe.
Coming soon
I am trying out every genre in writing.
I am done with highschool romance, fantasy, action, fluff, angst now I wanted to try thriller/horror
This will be my first horror book so I am very nervous!
hopefully, it will be loved as well

Confinement [Completed]
Fanfiction"Shush, You are safe now I will protect you from the monsters outside Nothing in this world can hurt you now After all, No one will be able to touch you, see you hear you or even smell you because that's what a good boyfriend does right? Keep his gi...