Chapter 6

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"So, tell me Sherlock, have you got any family?" The interviewer asked Sherlock.

"Yes, I have my parents, and my brother Mycroft." I balled my hands into fists. No mention of me or Sherrinford whatsoever. I knew he was embarrassed about the both of us. After all, we both 'turned'. After Sebastian died, we were swamped with wannabe snipers, eager to join us in our game. Jim rejected each and everyone of them. They were a liability, he said. And they could be annoying.

I was in my room, my earphones plugged into my ears, listening to music while I read. I had a feeling someone was calling for me. I was right. David told me to invite Jim down too. I called for Jim and we went down together. We both were surprised to see someone sitting on the couch, with David standing awkwardly at the side. "He pushed past me and called out for the both of ya." David said in his Scottish accent.

The visitor turned to look and Jim and I. He had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He sported a suit, which looked good on him. Even with the growing beard. He's quite hot actually. Maybe he's 33. "Ah. A reunion of sorts then." He grinned. I was confused. Who exactly is he? Jim, however, was surprised. He obviously knows this man, then.

"You...why?" Jim asked.

"You see, we have a common enemy. One by the name of Sherlock Holmes." He said with a grimace. He stared at me. "We've never met, dear sister. I'm Sherrinford Holmes."

"What?" I squeaked. "You're Sherrinford?"

"Surprised? Guess our family kept me a secret."

"No kidding. I found out from Jim." I said. "And you're not the only one our family kept a secret of."

"Yeah, I heard. Tough. A year ago, you existed. And then, bam. There was no Holmes sister." Sherrinford grinned. "The Lost Holmes Siblings. What a nice name for the two of us." He walked over to me and enveloped me in a hug. I hugged him back. My brother.

"You're hired." Jim said. Sherrinford pulled away, and held me at an arm's length, as if he was taking all of me in.

"You're 16! I was there when Mum gave birth to you. I got to hold you once, and then I just...went bad." He grinned. He seemed to do that a lot. "Never thought that we'd be on the side where we're gonna target our dear brother Sherlock."

"Yeah, well I never expected to be kidnapped by Jim, so..."

"He kidnapped you?" Sherrinford's grin widened. "Oh, this will be so much fun!" I thought of how Sherrinford was different from Sherlock. Sherrinford was so expressive, and Sherlock couldn't care less about the world. Sherrinford is the opposite of Sherlock, yet they're both the same.

"Well, Jim, is there a room for me in this beautiful mansion?" Sherrinford asked Jim.

"It's a mansion. There's a room for everything." Jim laughed. He went back upstairs to his study, where I assumed he was planning other people's deaths. Sherrinford went to find his room. I was left alone.

Today is the eve of our Great Game. Soon, Sherlock will fall.


"Alright, Sherry, you're the eyes and ears of this whole game. One slip, and bam! Everything is lost. Understood?" Jim said. He handed me an iPad.

"Eyes and ears." I repeated. "Got it."

"Sherrinford, you'll be my head sniper. You and the sniping team will shoot if I say so." Jim gave the orders to Sherrinford.

"Yes, sir." He grinned. Jim handed him an earpiece.

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