How you meet

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You were hunting a vamp in an old abandoned house, you could smell rotten flesh everywhere if you weren't used to it you would've probably puked. You heard a noise coming from the basement, you pulled out your machete and slowly made your way down the stairs then you saw him 2 tall men the taller one had longish brown hair and the other one was holding a machete. You jumped out from your hiding place and placed your machete on the shorter one's throat

"Calm down love, I'm not a vamp!" He said as his hands rose towards the ceiling and then pulled up his upper lip to how he was actually fangless, I loosened my grip and smiled.
My smile fell fast as I saw the vamp behind him, I kinda pushed him out of the way and cut the vamp's head off.
"By the way, I'm (y/n)...." You smiled
"I'm Dean, and this is Sam..."


You were walking around the park with your 2 year old German Shepard stoping and sniffing everything in sight

"C'mon Sinatra... Let's go..."

As I walk I notice this really tall and well... Good-looking guy come towards us as I think this Sinatra starts running making me loose the leash, he runs straight towards the tall guy... Great! He stops Sinatra in time and smiles at me

"What's it's name?" He gets down on his knees and strokes him

"His name's Sinatra..." I smile as I take back the leash "Oh... And thanks for catching him...."
He stands up

"No problem... I'm Sam!"

"(Y/n) .... " I smile

"Uhm.... So I guess I'll see you around (y/n)" he smiles and takes of... Oh well...


The sunlight hitting your skin feel delightful, a book in your hands, the grass tickling your feet... What could be better!
You're sat in a park with your copy of (your fav book) in hand, as you are about to go back to your story you feel a tap on your shoulders

"Uhm... Excuse me miss..." You look up and see this man with deep blue eyes and dark, almost black, hair

"Can I help you?" You smile lightly and he hands you a flower

"I tried to find the prettiest flower of all, but non of them compared to your beauty..." You look at the flower, it was a beautiful purple orchid


"Castiel ." He smiled

"I'm (y/n)!" You look at the flower one more time but when you look up Castiel was gone...


Soo.... Yeah, I thought I'd start a new book... Well hope you enjoy!

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