Civil War

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Welcome to this Story! This story might not finish. Probably ever or never. We don't know yet! But enjoy
By me and colorfulpersonality

Steve sighed as he looked at the ageless bug guy. His green eyes, his dorky temperament, and everything. He felt something kindled in his chest. It was love.

Scott had a heated feeling too, he had a crush on the super solider but didn't want to be incompetent and act tongue-tied.

At the airport, everyone was battling on one another. Okay, Scotty, don't trip like a nincompoop.

But he did.

Okay, that failed, come on! do something that would make Captain America think you're awesome!

Scott then had an idea and pressed a button on his suit making him grow onto mega-sized.

"Holy shit!" Spider-man bellowed.

"Okay, tiny dude is big now..." Rhodey said trying not to freak out.

"Cool!" Antman said and swat his hands. Steve was astounded and amazed.

The ironman team was distracted on taking down the giant Antman, that gave steve and bucky some time to get on the jet. Steve spoke into the earpiece.

"Scott," Captain America's voice was heard into his ear.

"Hm?" Scott hummed.

"Thank you, you really helped out, doll..." Steve's sweet voice said to him. Scott blushed heavily, Did he just call him doll??

"You're welcome-

Scott was cut off by spiderman's spiderwebs covering the mask of his eye and ironman blasted him. The giant antman lost his balance and fell into the water.

There was static.



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