Rain and Thunder

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You stared at the small amount you had left, with no source to gain more there was the wonder of what you were going to do next. Closing up the draw bag you adjusted it to rest against your frame. Your faithful horse leading you along the path.

With a quick glance up to the sky you noticed the dark thundering clouds closing in and quickly detoured, finding yourself at Valentine. Light rain beginning to strike the ground. Out of all the things you didn't bring, a jacket was one of them. Raising a hand to block the rain from your eyes, you scoured at each building, glancing between the hotel and the saloon. You went with the saloon.

Finding a empty table and quickly sitting down you stared out the window, considering getting a whiskey you look to the bar. Two rough looking guys trying to sweet talk some quite honestly gorgeous girls who could totally do better.

You scoffed and leaned back into your seats, the sound of the bar filling the air. The saloon doors swung open, a large man, wearing a tan leather jacket, a black worn hat with rope wrapped around it, blue button up and a black neckerchief, walked over to the bar. You must've been staring too long because he glanced over right before meeting what you assumed was his friends.

You went back to looking out the window, the rain coming in a little harder. The first sounds of thunder coming in. He talked to the four for a bit, the ladies leaving slightly upset as he replaced them and drank their shots. Another man, rounder and obviously already drunk, bumped into a guy who was on his way out, the bar silenced down almost immediately giving me perfect hearing of the conversation.

"Oh look here comes Bill." Who I had just learned was named Bill, grabbed the guy who had just offended him by the collar and pushed him backwards.

"Is he going to kiss or punch him?" One said, followed by some laughing, Bill head butted his "aggressor"

"We've got our answer!" The sound of a bottle smashing on someone's head and the sound of chairs smashing gave way to a bar fight. You ducked under a table and laughed looking around for something to use. A bottle rolled over to you, right into reach for something to cause extra chaos. You crawled out from under and quickly stood up. Bill was pinned up against a wall, struggling to get out of the mans grasp. Using this moment to smash the bottle over his head, the man quickly let go of his grasp on Bill, freeing him.

"Consider it thanks for throwing in some excitement." You gave him a wink which left him confused. And also saved you from having to throw hands with him. The bartender cried out,

"Tommy no! Go back upstairs!" Tommy, a round and a total bull, began beating the shit out of one of bill's friends, he seemed to be struggling a bit when Mr. Cowboy—the man in the tan jacket looked like a cowboy—came to his rescue. Getting Tommy to get off his friend but instead fighting Mr. Cowboy, who then got thrown over the table you used to sit at and out the window. The horses hitched outside running a short distance away, the sound of the rain hitting the wood and mud much louder than before.

Thunder boomed overhead almost in sync with the punches, a sickly voucher pushing through the crowd to reach Mr. Cowboy before he beat Tommy into hell. Getting yanked into the alleyway you were met face to face with Bill, who was itching to know more about you.

"So what's your game huh."

"I'm... sorry?"

"Your deal, what was that? Your little stunt."

"Saw an opportunity to get into the action, wanted some fun." Maybe it was something that was said, or maybe he didn't like the answer.

Bill got closer staring you right in the eyes, going to speak before he heard a voice, "dutch?" He muttered under his breath. Shoving you away, he stumbled over to the deck of the general store. Where 4 others had gathered. I crept up to listen in peering around the corner. A fancy man in a top hat stood next to a man who looked like if he didn't lead a life of crime, would be a man of power, but that wouldn't have mattered because he still held power.

He must have noticed you because he made eye contact, but never stopped talking about what he intended to, you stepped back, blocking more of your vision. The top hat man you learned was named Trelawny, Mr. Cowboy Arthur, and the man Dutch.

You didn't pick up much of the conversation, only their names and Dutch's request for Arthur to clean himself up. You leaned against the wall, slightly thankful that you stuck around to learn his name. Placing a hand on your hip, only to discover you have been robbed.

"Shit!" You cursed, startling Arthur who was washing his face in the water bucket outside. "I've been fucking robbed!" You were hoping that the person who robbed you was bill, everything pointed to him as he had lots of opportunities.

His horse rounded the corner in a hurry as you whistled, your own horse coming. You quickly mounted up, following after Bill. You grabbed a rifle, risking the dangers of standing on the saddle, as you had been practicing if you ever wanted to be part of the circus which was not something particularly of interest. You aimed the rifle near Bill, trying to at most knock off his hat. Fired. Missed. Your horse spooked, reared and sent you flying, landing painful on the worn ground. You let out a yelp on impact. Laying there for a moment in shock before pushing yourself up with only the arm you didn't land on, which had been most likely dislocated. You leaned against your rifle, using it to prop yourself up. You were totally fucked now. No money, injured and you had gone and spooked your horse.

Now what were you supposed to do? You couldn't get a job anywhere.

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