Guilt and Defiance

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Arthur turned back to Sean's body, sighing.

"He was a good kid.." he mumbled, when you looked, your entire body stiffened, the memory taunting you like a gold bar just out of reach. Arthur then picked up his body, slinging it over his shoulder as they bickered over Bills idiocy, Arthur's complaining according to Micah, and Micahs inability to be a good human being.

Your eyes never left the place Sean once laid as Micah and Bill had ridden off, Bill going to bury Seans body.

"(Y/N)?" Arthur called as he mounted his horse, his voice harsh as he was obviously made upset, making your eyes snap up to him, "ride with me will ya?" You nodded, Ethanol already standing infront of you. Mounting up, you both began the opposite way the other two went. You could hear him groan in your silence,

"You know... it ain't your fault." Arthur said, sparing him a glance, you sighed,

"I know. I just felt like I could've... I don't know. Prevented it? I guess. Maybe if I had looked up sooner or reacted differently..." you let go of the reigns leaning back into the saddle,

"I don't think... I don't think there was any preventing it. If it wasn't then.. it would've been later." He paused, looking to you, "you gonna be okay?"

"I'll be fine... eventually." He gave you a frown, obviously not the answer he was hoping for. "But I've got you, so I think I'll be alright." As if it were a miracle, a smile crept on your face, you began fiddling with the reigns you had picked up again and could feel yourself heating up. You glanced over to him, seeing him smile to himself as he looked ahead.

Rounding the last bit of stretch before camp, you began making your way towards the docks before Abigail began screaming, asking where her son was.

Exchanging alarmed looks with Arthur, you two rushed over Dutch who was trying to calm her down.

"We will find him, Abigail." Dutch said, finally getting her to stop shouting at him long enough for him to interject.

"What happened?" Arthur asked, Hosea had come over as she shrilled her answer. Most of the camp had gathered around, including John to your pleasure.

"Micah, (Y/N) stay here and watch the camp, the rest of us will go and get that boy back!"

"I'm coming with you Dutch." You said, perhaps a little too sternly, for the look he gave you sent shivers down your spine. "Micah, the crazy bastard, can handle the camp himself. I can shoot—I can kill—I'm coming."

"You're staying here and that's it." You scowled grumbling whatever and turning away, Micah walked up to you, beginning to try and reason with you for some whatever reason as you two walked, you couldn't care less about him.

When Dutch came back Without Jack which bothered you, but instead with Pinkertons just moments later, the camp surrounded the two, hands rested on everyone's Hilts.

They offered up a deal, Dutch for the rest of the gangs freedom. Of course no one liked the idea but Dutch played along, stepping forward as he entertained them.

Eventually after a very stressed moment, they left but not without calling the gang Fools. Out of sight, Dutch begins ordering us to pack up, Grimshaw repeating the phrase and getting the gang into gears.

He asked Arthur and John to go clear out their next spot, Shady Belle. With Grimshaw on your ass to get a move on you couldn't think on it more.

Arriving to Shady Belle, you couldn't decide if it was an upgrade or a downgrade. For now? An upgrade. Arthur stepped out from the double doors, welcoming the incoming Gang to his humble abode, which you couldn't help but try to cover your laugh as a cough.

Dismounting, you briskly walked over to him,

"How are you doing? No bullet holes? No bleeding?" You asked, placing your hands on your hips.

"I'm fine—Thank you for asking." He mumbled the last part as he scratched his beard. "Wasn't expectin' to get interrogated as soon as you got here." You let out a quiet laugh, huffing at the end of it.

"Well I apologize for being concerned for your wellbeing."

"Well ya shouldn't, I'm a Rotten man."

"Not to me. You've been nothin short of kind to me,"

"(Y/N) get your ass over here and help unpack!" You heard Grimshaw bellow from halfway across the place.

"Shit well I gotta go avoid getting my ass handed to me by Grimshaw, I'll talk to you later okay?" You gave him a smile before hurrying off to help.

You laid out on the bed next to where Arthur sat, humming to yourself as he did his mysterious ways in the journal you so desperately wanted to get into.

"Can I see what you're writing?" You said in whiny manner, sitting up to try and peak over shoulder. He shifted the journal away before you could get a peak, an amused laugh coming from him,

"No you sneaky pest." He closed the journal, placing it just out of your reach as you laughed, leaning your chin on his shoulder.

"One day I'll get a peak."

"It'll be when hell freezes over."

"Aww that's no fair!"

"Well life ain't fair." He used a hand to pushed your head back down on the bed, "now go to sleep pest, or I'm gonna force you to sleep on the floor."

You laughed, "alright alright I'm gonna sleep." Staring at him for a moment before giving him a more sleepy smile, "good night Cowboy."

"Good night."

You could hear him pick the journal back up scribbling onto the blank pages. The sound surprisingly soothing to the ears as you fell into a short lived trance. . .

The memory began taunting you again, each time a more horrific memory played until it was no longer recognizable. Each gunshot sounding louder and louder, the ringing deafening everything else.

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