Chapter 1- Her Betrayle

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Akino walked into to class and almost screamed. She stared at her best friend, Fukui, and her crush, Takash, as they kissed infront of her. She felt as if she might barf. "Aki! What's up?" Fukui asks her. Akino stare at her in disbelief. Fukui knew Akino had liked Takash and now there she was kissing him and practically rubbing it in her face. Akino pasted a smile on her face. "Oh nothing much! I'm sorry for interrupting! Now I must be on my way!" Akino said before running off. She ran into the girls bathroom and sobbed. She had been planning on telling Takash her feelings but Fukui had beat her to it. Now she sat on the bathroom floor sobbing. Suddenly her throat felt a bit tight and she began to cough. She coughed up some flower petals, then a whole white rose. Akino stared at the blood that was on the floor and on the white rose.
She heard a faint knock at the bathroom door. She cleaned up the flower petals and flower and opened the girls bathroom door. "Oh hey T-Taka!" She said as she pasted on a smile. "Hey I was wondering if you've seen Fukui?" He asked and Akino's head dropped in disappointment. "Nope... Anyways I gotta get going...Bye Taka!" She said as she walked away to her last class of the day. She was sitting in class when she saw Fukui and Takash kiss and suddenly she started to cough. Akino's eyes teared up as she fell out of her desk to her knees.
She coughed up more petals and another whole rose, but this time she also coughed up a thorn vine. Her eyes widened as the class started to panick. "A-Aki?!" She heard Takash yell in worry. Akino got up and ran from the class crying. Once she made it to the bathroom she began to calm down. "Calm down Aki it's not biggy! Just a slight Hanahaki disease! It'll cure!....Eventually...." she said to herself when someone suddenly burst into the restroom. It was Fukui. "Aki are you okay?! Why did you cough up that rose?!" She asked in a panic. Fukui had only meant to upset Akino not give her the Hanahaki disease. "I have the Hanahaki Disease.....thanks to you and knew I liked him!!" Akino screamed at Fukui before her throat caught and she began to cough again. Fukui watched in fear as she coughed the blood and roses up. "Aki I-" Fukui went to apologize, but Akino cut her off. "Shut up!! I don't want to hear your voice!!" She screamed at Fukui. Fukui turned and left the bathroom. Akino continued to cry and cough and nobody dared to comfort her at all. 'Why is life this way?! Why doesn't he love me?! Why?! What did I do wrong to deserve this....' Akino thought as she cried.
      Memories from Akino's past flooded her brain. This wasn't the first time she had this disease... It just wasn't that bad then. She left the bathroom still crying, but continued to her classes. 'This day...Has been a long one....' she thought as she headed home.

Sorry if it's a bit short but it's good so far! I hope you all enjoy!-TheDeadStoryWriter❤️

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