For the First Time

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                                             *:・゚✧ *:・゚

She takes a tentative sip from the teacup and straight away I know that she hates it.

"Mom?" Jungkook saves the awkward moment by leaning forward as he sits next to me across from the harrowing gaze of his mother. 

There was nothing wrong with Jungkook's mother visiting us but why so sudden and most importantly, why unannounced?

I chewed on my lower lip unable to suppress my nervousness.

"So uh, what brings you here?" Jungkook enquires further when his mother does no more than take another disdainful sip of tea from her cup.

"Can't a mother visit her child?" She asks without looking up and a tremor of fright mingled with uncertainty trickles its way down my spine.

Jungkook kneads my clenched fists in my lap with his palm to comfort me. 

Thankfully, his mother lets out a deep sigh.

"Well the truth is," She says eyeing her son beadily, "I came here to talk some sense into you."

"Sense?" Jungkook tuts. "Mom, I'm a grown man who has made his own decisions and..."

"Don't you dare speak so loosely with me, young man!" She bites and I watch as Jungkook straightens in his seat.

 I can still sense his verve and determination but there is a definite acquiescence there that didn't exist during our conversation with his father.

"I want you to think carefully about what you've done, Jungkook." She warns but Jungkook doesen't let up.

"Mom, I'm sorry but I've made up my mind. If you won't accept my decision and decide not to accept us either," He places one hand softly on my knee, "Then you can leave."

I choke audibly as Mrs. Jeon stares back at her son, aghast.

She rattles the china to rest on the coffee table making me jump slightly.

"Don't be silly," She mumbles in disgruntled surrender and flicks her wrist haughtily to dismiss the words he last said.

I look over to Jungkook to see him hold his mother's gaze until her hardened demeanor falls.

How could she ever stay mad at her golden boy?

"Son, you know I could never turn my back on you. Its just that, your father..."

"Dad will come around. He'll come around eventually."

The Ex| Jeon Jungkook [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now