Bakugou x pet dog! reader

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Third person pov

   "Okay everyone, today is going to be different, we are going to go a animal shelter" Aizawa said as the entire class cheers and whoops (except todoroki and bakugou) they head outside and get on the buses. "Tch, it's just a fucking animal shelter nothing special or anything" bakugou grumbles as he looks out the window of the bus.

~time skip because I'm lazy~

Once they got there all the girls ran to go see the animals while the Iida was chasing after them pleading for them to stick with the group. As the class walked through the shelter they saw many cute animals like bunnies and kittens, snakes and even bats! But one animal caught a certain Ash blonde's eye. A little wolf pup, no older than a few months with h/c fur and e/c eyes. "Oi Aizawa sensei are we gonna be adopting any of these things?" Bakugou asks. "Only if you want to but don't tell the class." Aizawa says.
"I'm gonna take this one" the ash blonde points to the wolf pup. "Okay, I'll ask an employee to help you out" He says while leaving to get an employee. Bakugou sighs quietly while turning to the pup to see it looking up at him.

Y/n pov

     I woke up to the sound of people talking and see a Ash blonde boy talking to a man. "I'm gonna take this one" the boy says as he points at me. "Okay I'll ask an employee to help you out" the man says as he walked away. The ash blonde sighs while turning to me to find me looking up at him. Wagging my tail happily I put both of my paws on the glass to try to get closer to him. "Hi daddy!! (Don't take it the wrong way)  It's nice to finally meet you!! I'm so happy!!" I say but only comes out a little barks to the boy. "Your gonna be my side kick when I become number one" the boy says as l/f/e/n (least favorite employee name) walks up to him. I put my paws down and scamper to the back of my container and whimper. "So you want this one? Are you sure? You do realize she's a wolf pup right?" He says as if he was disgusted of me. "OF COURSE I FUCKING DO THAT'S WHY IM HERE YOU MORON" the ash blonde growls. L/f/e/n flinches at the boys tone.

Bakugou's pov


   The wolf pup puts her paws on the glass and begins to bark happily as if she was talking to me. "Your gonna be my side kick when I become number one," I say quietly as an employee walks up to me. The pup scampers off to the back of it's container and whimpers at the employee and I growl silently. "So you want this one? Are you sure? You do realize she's a wolf pup right?" He says disgustedly. I don't know what happened to me but I didn't like the way he said that. "OF COURSE I FUCKING DO THATS WHY IM HERE YOU MORON" I growl loudly at him and he flinches at my tone. Aizawa walks over to the employee and apologizes for my "temper tantrum". "So what's the pup's name?" Aizawa asks the employee." The bitches name is y/n" the employee says. "Just get her out before I blow you to pieces" I growl lowly.  "Oh that doesn't sound very heroic!!" I hear shitty hair say. "SHUT UP SHITTY HAI-" before I finish my sentence I hear the employee shouting  profanities. "Ow fuck! you son of a bitch! get over here!" l/f/e/n shouts at the pup and I look at his hand. It was covered in blood and the pup was still in the back of it's container scared. "What happened?" Four eyes (Iida) asks the employee. "Oh I was grabbing the bitch and she turned and made me cut my hand on the glass" he growls. "Don't talk to my dog like that extra" I growl. "Okay then if she goes to you I'll quit my job and you can have her for free how about that?!" He shouts angrily. "Okay then" I say as I walk to the container.

Back to y/n pov


   "Okay then if she goes to you then I'll quit my job and you can have her for free how about that?!" L/f/e/n shout angrily. "Okay then" I hear daddy say as he walks to my container. "C'mon y/n let's leave these extras and go" he says as put his hands in the container. Slowly I walk into his hand lifts me up so he can get a better look at me. Taking advantage of this I lick all over his face as a way to thank him and I hear other kids laughing. "Aww that's so cute! Who knew bakugou would become a pet parent! So manly!" A red headed boy says. "Well shit" I hear l/f/e/n mumble. "Well shit indeed l/f/e/n, I heard from numerous employee's that you have been abusive towards the animals here so from here on your banned from here and your fired. GET OUT" I hear a man say. "Well then times up we have to back to school everyone let's get back to the buses" the man from before says as he leads the pack of kids (class) to the vehicles. Still in my daddy's arms I look up at him and examine his physical features. He has red eyes and a angry look to his face and ash blonde hair. All the sudden a arm wraps over daddy's shoulders to reveal the red headed boy. "So bakubro how does it feel to be a pet pare-" he gets cut of by me "GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY DADDY YOU MEANIE HE'S MINE I WON'T LET YOU HURT HIM!" I growl at him and he backs off and smiles a little.

Third person pov


   As the class got on the bus kirishima walks over to bakugou and wrap his arm around his ash blonde friend. "So bakubro how does it feel to be a pet pare-" *bark* bark* growl* the red headed teen is interrupted by y/n snapping at his arms and hand making him back away in surprise. "Okay okay I'm not gonna touch your dad jeeze haha" kirishima "surrenders" to the pup making her feel confident. "Good girl y/n good girl" bakugou praises his pup. "Bakugou don't encourage her to bite people!!" Iida exclaims. "SHUT UP FOUR EYES SHES DOING A GREAT JOB AT BEING A GUARD DOG" Bakugou shouts at the teen and then quiets himself to the sound of soft snores. He looks down to y/n curled up in his arms asleep. He smiles a rare smile to himself and looks out the window of the bus.

Should I do a part two???

Comment and let me know and make some request too!!


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