A+- Chapter 5

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Natsu's pov

I woke up next morning & got dressed. I opened my door to my sister Wendy. "Oh, Natsu, you're up early." I looked at the time. It was 6:15. "What are you talking about? I always wake up this early." "Natsu you do not. You normally wake up 20 minutes before school & scramble to get ready." She argued. "Why am I being interrogated by a small child?" I teased. "I'm not a child. I'm a sophomore in high school." She pouted. "Just because you skipped a few grades doesn't mean you are not a child." I chuckled. She stuck her tongue at me. "Come on, let's go downstairs." I chuckled.

As we walked downstairs, mom was making breakfast & dad was watching Tv. My Dad turned around & stared at me. "What do you want, old man?" I asked him. "We are you awake so early?" He glared suspiciously. "I'm not up early!" I yelled. "Anyways, I'm off to school." I left the house & got on my bike. I put my helmet & turned the key in the bike. On my way to school, I see Lucy walking by herself. I pulled over & took off my helmet. "Hey, why are you walking along?" "Why does it matter? Are you stalking me now?" She said, continuing to walk. I got off & pulled my bike along. "Want a ride?" I asked, walking next to her. "No, why are you talking to me?" I thought about it. Why am I taking to her? We have been at each other's throats since last year. "I don't know. I felt like it."After we are done with the project, don't talk to me." She said, walking off to Juvia & Erza. I put my bike away & walked over to Gray & Jellal. "What's up, man?" Gray asked. "Nothing, just the usual. Lucy flipped her bitch switch back on." "Well yeah y'all get grade today She's only nice cause she had to be. Now she will go back to hating you." Jellal said. I shrugged & moved on with the day.

I was in class talking to a girl when Mr. Capricorn walked in. "So you wanna go out sometime?" "Well I don't know what where you thinking?" She giggled. "Alright everyone take your seats." Teach said. Holding papers. "Alright today you will hand in your projects & do this work while I grade them." He hand out papers & we get to work. I looked at Gajeel's paper he was almost done but had his paper covered with a notebook. I looked down at Lucy's
Paper. She was done & had her nose in a book. I tried to sneak a look at her paper. I leaned in my chair trying to look her paper. It squeaked as I leaned. She put hand up & flipped me off. "I know that's you Dragneel." She said without putting down her book. I went back to my paper. 'What do you like in a book?' 'What was your favorite book?' 'Why do you read books?' 'Where does the book take you?' Shit I don't know I don't read books. I look over at Wendy. She was three seats away. "Psst...Psst" She looked up at me. I mouthed the word help to her. She rolled her eyes &put her fingers up to make a X. I slammed my head on the desk. "Mr. Dragneel are you alright?" I gave teach a thumbs up. I just layed there with my head on the desk. 20 minutes later teach stood up. "Alright class I've graded your projects. Erza's group A+, Lucy's group A+" He kept naming groups & grades. Soon the bell rang for lunch. I ran out of there as fast as possible.

I soon saw Gray talking to Juvia. I suddenly heard giggling beside me. It was Levy. I walked up behind her. "Why are you stalking them?" She shooed me. "Your going to get me caught." We watched Gray awkwardly blush & talk to Juvia. "Gray-sama are you ok?" "Yeah just fine." They walked to the cafeteria. "Oh Natsu you want to go to the mall with me & Gajeel after school.

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