a another friend?

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Reo: oh sorry chick didn't see u there
yua: ow... it's fine
shozo: be careful next time Reo..
Reo giggled and said: I'll try so what's up got any plans today
shozo doesn't like to hang out much so he said: yeah.... I'm hangout out with yua
yua: huh!? yua looked at shozo
Reo as the dumbass he is: oh hanging out with a chick I see I see well why not make it a group hangout I can join
shozo: no
Reo: come on shozo I don't have that much planned
yua: come on shozo I only know u for 2 mins or so we can hang out all and get to know eacher or to be specific I get to know u guys
shozo signed as he said: fine come on in inside my house
Reo: LEZZZ gooooooo
they all got inside the house
shozo is inside the Kitchen making tea
Reo: yo shozo why do u have so much black and white drawings on ur wall?
shozo: not ur business
yua: maybe he likes to design stuff?
Reo: yeah maybe

2 hours later

yua: ok it was nice meeting u guys I need to go get some groceries

Reo , shozo: bye

at the grocery store-

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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