Chapter 3 [Cookies]

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Ink was baking cookies! Error stood beside him, sipping on a cup of wine Ink got him. They were having a sleepover and Ink decided to spice it up with cookies. Error wanted to help but he didn't know how to bake and didn't wanna be taught despite that being dumb. Ink didn't mind, though. He liked baking anyway.

Error watched him, zoning out after a while. Ink noticed and peered over to him. "You doing okay, bud?" He asked, his eyelights shifting to a circle and the other, a question mark. Error nodded, looking up at Ink. That was the moment Ink noticed he was at very least a foot taller than Error. "Pffttt- you're so short!" Ink snorted.

"Am not! You're just freakishly tall!" Error retorted, pouting as he walked into a different room. Ink shoved his pan of cookies into the oven and went after him. "How tall are you, Error?" "4'11" "YOU'RE TINY!!" "SHUT UP, INKBLOTCH"

Ink bickered back and forth with Error, laughing and teasing him about his height. Error was silently, pouting. The oven timer eventually went off and Ink went to take the cookies out of it, setting them on the counter to cool. Error tried touching the hot pan and Ink had to tell him not to do that even though Error completely ignored him and burnt his hand.

Ink sighed heavily as he watched Error glitch out. "I told you not to touch it." Ink huffed. "NOTHING SHOULD EVER BE THAT HOT THAT'S FUCKING UNREASONABLE I'M GOING TO LOSE MY HAND!" Error practically screamed in his glitchy voice, hearing a laugh come from Ink. "I'M GOING TO LOSE MY HAND THIS ISN'T FUNNY, SQUID!" Error said, feeling betrayed.

"E-Error- you're not going to lose your hand. It's just a burn-" Ink said between laughs, getting some apple cider vinegar. "Put your hand over the sink, apple cider vinegar helps burns." Ink hummed, grabbing Errors wrist and putting it over the sink. He poured the liquid on his hand, watching his face scrunch up. "Get it off. I don't like the smell." Error hissed.

Ink washed it off of his hand soon after, getting a bandage and wrapping his hand up. "Now you've learned your lesson. Don't touch hot pans. Wow, never knew I'd have to tell a literal god of destruction not to touch hot pans.." Ink murmured, kissing the top of his hand. "Ew, don't do that." Error then pushed him away, stuffing his hands in his coat pockets.

"You can't handle a kiss on the hand but will make out with me during spin the bottle? Okay." Ink said with a stupid grin, preparing to get hit. And he did.  Quite hard at that. "Shut up! That was just because I had to!" Error huffed, glitching more. "Then why did you make a quick kiss into a hot n' heavy makout sesh'?" Ink inquired, seeing Error crash after the question.

"Oh my god, Error. You're such a dummy sometimes." Ink chuckled, picking him up and taking him to the couch as he rebooted. After around 20 minutes, he blinked, having had rebooted fairly quick. He got up, pushing Ink to the ground and slapping him. "Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid-" he hissed, knowing he couldn't kill Ink because of their truce but also wanting him to be punished for asking such a question.

Ink just errupted in giggles, finding Error's reaction to be hilarious. "E-Error nooo-" he said, grinning wide as he pushed Error off of him. "I thought you didn't like touch, but you're willing to slap me? Odd." Ink hummed, giving him a smug look as he got some cookies. "Want one? They're good." Ink offered. He did make them for both of them afterall. Error nodded, taking a cookie and eating it. He seemed pleased.

"What about me makes you not freak out whenever I touch you?" Ink asked, munching on a cookie as he looked down at the glitch. "You've already touched me a bunch in our past battles so I've just gotten used to it. Now I actually kinda like it." Error shrugged, going to grab another cookie. Ink just nodded, taking note of that.

"So..if I did this...You wouldn't mind?" he asked, leaning down and kissing Error deep. Error just froze up, slowly melting into the kiss. Though, he pushed Ink away slowly. "I guess, isn't that just another sign of friendship? Like, isn't on the same level as a hug?" Error asked. "For some people, it is.." Ink shrugged.

"It's generally a sign of romantic and/or sexual love but a lot of people like to give friend kisses too." Ink explained, smiling. Error nodded slowly, finding the sexual side of love things to be odd and gross to think about. He didn't want to ever do things like that. Ink picked him up, kissing him again. Error kissed back, wrapping his arms around Ink's neck and clinging to him close.

They both seemed to enjoy the warm kiss. No one was around this time, they felt like they could keep this forever. Ink trailed a hand to Errors, grabbing it and holding it gently as Error interlaced their fingers. They kept the kiss for a solid minute. Error was the one to pull away, a thick string of saliva connecting them. "Gross.." Error mumbled, referring to the sticky saliva.

Ink grabbed some paper towels and wiped Error's face off, making him groan. "I'm not 4, and you're not my daddy so don't do that ever again." Error grumbled. "Oh whatever, you liked it. You like being taken care of even when it comes to small things, don't you?" Ink asked, not getting a response. Error just burried his face into Ink's chest.

"Fair enough, I guess I'll have to get more proof." Ink said, grinning wide. The night had just begun and it was already fun. Ink would definitely try and get more proof that Error basically likes to get babied. It was unknown if Ink actually thought Error liked that or if Ink just wants to baby him. Maybe it's both?

It's not like I like you or anything! (Dom!Ink x Error) [OLD]Where stories live. Discover now