Other Side of the Coin (Teen Wolf fan fiction)

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The acrid odor of the harsh cleaning detergents filled his nose as he sat there in that wheelchair. Day after day it had been as boring as hell. The only he got was from his old memories from before the fire. That particular day was as uneventful as others until the hospital admin came to his room. The 50 year old female was dressed in her usual attire: an overly starched dress shirt and skirt. She wore what his nephew would have deemed 'old lady shoe' on her feet. He wasn't too interested in what she had to say. He did what he always did: stare out into space until they left. "Mr. Hale?" The woman practically yelled in his ear and he had to restrain himself to keep from biting her face off. "We have a new friend here who will be working with you. She's a college student here in town." A young girl stepped forward, slightly hesistant in her decision to come here. Instead of talking into his ear, she stepped in front of him.  "My name is Belle Donavan. Please no Beauty and the Beast jokes. Had enough of that in school."  The girl was lovely, her bright gold eyes lit up her face while the soft brown curls hung around her face.He would tolerate this person if only for a little while. His plan was coming about just as he wanted.

"I'll be reading to you and generally seeing to your care while I am here. I hope you don't mind babysitting a college brat." He almost wanted to laugh at that. So she had a sense of humor.  The following days were much like their first meeting. Belle treated like a person instead of a patient, talking to him about her days in college and life in general.  One day she snapped her book closed, seemingly angry and frustrated. "I wish you would just talk to me, Peter. They tell me that your nephew is the last of your family and you still cannot speak to him." She sat near him on the bed and just looked at him. "You're lucky to have him, you know? I have no one left. My family was taken from me by a drunk driver. I was only four years old and no one wanted the responsibilty of rasing a child who had just lost everything." Her small hand came up and brushed aside a small hair that had been hanging in his face. His heart skipped a beat slightly. They stayed together while she read to him about Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester until it was getting a little late. She was a shy girl but kissed Peter on the cheek. "Till next time."  Belle was very confused by the feelings she felt when around this man. Strange dreams had plagued her since the first day they had met. In them Peter was fine. He would open his arms to her, wrapping her up in his warmth like she was something precious. He would whisper in her ear, 'Please don't hate me.'. It was the oddest feeling in the world.

Belle was getting her stuff together when she realized her book was still in the room. She blew out a frustrated breath and head back to retrieve it. She frowned as she could hear some kind of ruckus coming from his room. "Mary? Nothing's wrong with Peter, is there?"  There was a man that she recognized as Peter's nephew along with two other teenagers. Mary calmed at seeing Belle, who was a good friend to her. "No, he's fine. I was just telling Mr. Hale's nephew that it is too late in the day for visitors. Peter shouldn't be stressed like this." Derek Hale just rolled his eyes. "As much as I appreciate how you care for my uncle, I think you're going overboard. " Belle was s slightly angry. "Either way, you need to leave. Your uncle is not some side show to show off to your buddies. Think about that made him feel. He's still in there.." It perterbed her how callous they could be. The trio walked away, exiting the hospital.  Belle picked up the book she had left but paused. She had left this book on the bed and now it was on the window sill. Maybe his nephew moved it? There was no way Peter did in his condition. She drove home carefully. The town had been in an uproar about some animal attacks that had left a large number of people dead.

She went to the local grocery that was open late to shop for her apartment.  It was a lonely existence but it was one that she was used to. She didn't make much money but the small trust she had from her parents' death kept her from struggling. The old man who lived next door to her helped her bring her groceries inside. Strange as it was, she felt like someone was watching her. She waved goodbye to Mr. Polanski, she looked around to make sure she wasn't just being paranoid. Peter laughed from his position on the tree across from her bedroom window.  He had been watching her for a while now, suspecting they shared a connection. The attraction was one thing but the dreams indicated something even more concrete.  He felt alive when he was with her despite his inactive part in their conversations. Peter watched her as she went to bed and listened as her heartbeat slowed down. He jumped through the window with relative ease. Very carefully he sat next to her sleeping form, his hand letting one of those silk strands of hair slide down his skin. He had never thought that fate would bless him with one and here she was: His mate and she was human too. She would have to be turned eventually to be part of his pack.

A few days later.......

Derek had an idea of who he thought the Alpha could be. Peter could only shake his head at his young nephew. The boy was not even close on this one. The vet had been a wise man of sorts, a healer that helped their kind when it was needed. The man had actually saved Derek's mother when she went into labor with Laura all those years ago. He was at Belle's window again that night when the howl cracked through the air. He would teach that pup a lesson or two. First he would get rid fo his old pack and then he would see things Peter's way.That night had been rather frustrating. That boy just didn't want to stop being so stubborn about this.  He was pleased to see that Derek had survived their little tussle. It wasn't too surprising. Derek did come from good genes. Peter ventured back to Belle's house. It was getting close to the next full moon and he would have to mark her if he wanted to keep her. They only got one mate in a lifetime so there was a need to be picky.  What he found angered him. The glass window was broken and he smell the remnents of his mate's fear. Someone had ffound her too. A mate left unmarked could be stolen from the other potential mate. He would break the neck of the wolf who dared to try to take what was his.

Time was running out for this little excursion. Peter made a dash back to the hospitals and prepped for the next day. Belle was still a little frazzled from that idiot breaking her window.She called Mr.Polanski the next morning to fix the window. She had dreamed of  Peter again and it left her sexually frustrated.  It had been forever and a day since she had been on a date.  She walked into her room, aiming to change out of her night gown. Belle closed her eyes, remembering someone's touch along her collar bone. What the hell was that?! She could swear it had happened in the middle of the night. Belle shook herself mentally to get a hold of herself. She had classes and Peter today. She had no time to go crazy today.  By the time she had her clothes on for today, the cinnamon buns she made were smelling up the whole place.  Belle sniffed the air, in heaven from the scent. Her stomach growled fiercly so she dug into one. Belle spent the day taking notes for a test in sociology and going over a class project that was worth 3/4 of her total grade. She was relieved to see the hospital It had been her haven since she started coming here.  She was never the most sociol person. The most she ever said to a person was said to Peter. There was something in those eyes that mad e her feel at ease,

Peter knew that he could no longer hide that he was awake from his nephew. It was time. He could smell Stiles in the hallways of the hospitals. The scamp was on the phone with Derek. "Get out of there, Stiles! It's him! He's the alpha!" The boy looked like what he was: prey. "You must be Stiles." He wanted to wince as he saw Belle staring at him in shock. He didn't like lying to her but he had no choice. "Belle." For so long she wanted to here him say her name. Now she didn't know what to think.Derek appearred behind her. "Uncle." Peter made a grab for Stiles and Derek almost mowed Belle down.  As Derek was about to jump Peter, he threw Stiles at him and grabbed Belle. Before anyone could do anything, the two had vanished.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2012 ⏰

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