20 | A New Start

650 26 0

3rd Person POV (Unless said otherwise)


"Alright, everyone. If you could follow me, please. Please remember that my partner here, Felix, will be answering any questions if you have any." Chan said, giving a small smile to the boy who stood next to him.

"Don't forget to grab your schedules after. Classes start in a few weeks and it's better to get them now." Felix said, clapping his hands together. He then turned to his boyfriend, returning back the smile.

"Ready to go Channie?" Chan nods, signaling for the crowd of college freshmen to follow him. "Why don't we start with the campus food court?" The crowd of people jumps in excitement, already following the two Aussies to the food area.

Chan smiled as he grabbed onto the other Aussies' hand, showing the group all of the places they could eat.


Jisung took a big breath, stopping in his tracks. Minho paused, noticing the younger had stopped walking. He slowly turned around, his brow slightly raised. "Everything okay Ji?" Jisung nods, feeling the wind brush against his bare skin.

The two were currently at the park, enjoying their last few weeks of summer vacation. Jisung gripped the small ice cream cone in his hand, making sure not to crush it. "Yeah. I'm alright. Can we just...talk a bit?" He finally says, looking anywhere but the older.

Minho nods, waiting for Jisung to speak. "Of course. What's up?" Jisung felt his face heat up as he finally made eye contact with Minho. "I have something I need to tell you. Just, promise not to freak out?"

Minho nods, seeming more confused than he was before. He stepped closer, placing his hand onto the nervous boy's shoulder. "Ji...you can tell me anything. I promise not to flip." Jisung nods, feeling a bit more comfortable with the words he was about to say.

"I ha-" Jisung was cut off by a dog barking. Minho giggled as he squatted down, petting the small dog. "Hi, buddy. Where's your owner? Are you lost?" He said, petting the top of the puppy's head.

Jisung stood there nervously. He wasn't sure if he was able to try and repeat what he was going to say. "Sorry about that. She broke from her collar." A woman said, flashing Minho and Jisung an apologetic look.

"No. It's fine. I understand." The woman apologized again before running off to her family. Minho giggled again, turning to Jisung. "Sorry. What were you saying?" Jisung opened his mouth, hearing nothing but his shaky breath come out.

Minho patiently waited, seeing as though the boy was nervous. "I...I really-" Jisung suddenly grabbed onto Minho's shirt and pulled him forward. Jisung connected the two of their lips softly. Minho's eyes widened, watching as Jisung pulled away.

Jisung's face was flushed red as he stared at the ground. His hands still holding onto Minho's white shirt. "I r-really like you." He mumbled. Minho stood there in shock, not noticing that the two had dropped their ice creams onto the concrete. It slowly melting away from the sun.

"W-What?" Minho asked, causing Jisung's blush to deepen. "Y-you heard me! I really don't want to repeat myself." Jisung looked down, his hands holding onto each other tightly.

Jisung suddenly felt Minho hug him, the older digging his face into Jisung's shoulder. "W-What are you doing?" Jisung shakily asked, feeling tears dwell in his eyes.

"I like you too, dumbass." Jisung felt his heart beat speed up as his face became a darker red. "R-really?" Minho nods, digging his face not wonton the boy's neck.

The two stood there quietly for a second before Jisung lightly tapped Minho's shoulder. "Your hurting me, Min." Minho quickly pulled away, softly saying sorry.

"How about we get some coffee?" Minho asked, changing the subject. "S-sure!" Minho nods, suddenly grabbing Jisung's hand and making his way towards his car.


Jeongin currently sat in Woojin's apartment, his legs swinging off one of the dining room chairs. "Hyung..." He softly asked, earning a hum from the boy across from him.

"When are you gonna tell the others?" Woojin sighed, placing down his phone. "Jeongin...we talked about this. I'm not sure if I'm ready for them to know yet. Besides, it's none of there business."

"But they're your friends." Woojin paused, letting out another sigh. Jeongin wasn't wrong. "I'll...I'll talk to him about it. Okay? Your right. We shouldn't keep it from them."

Jeongin smiles softly, standing up and hugging the older. "It's okay Hyung, I understand." Woojin hugged the younger back, resting his head on their arms.

"I'm back." A familiar voice said, walking into the kitchen. "Did you get the snacks?" The boy nods, placing the bag onto the table. Both Woojin and Jeongin instantly started going through the back.

"Changbin...What's this?" Woojin asked, pointing to a separate bag. Changbin shrugged, walking to the cabneits and got a cup down.

"They were having a sale and I thought 'Hey, why not?' You know?" Woojin hums, placing the things back into the bag. Changbin soon joins them at the table with a cup of coffee.

"So, how was everyone's day?" He asked, taking a sip of coffee. Woojin places his hand into his own, a serious expression on his face. Changbin raises a brow, placing his coffee down.

"Did something happen?" Woojin shook his head. "No. It's just...I think we should tell the others." Changbin hummed, sipping his coffee.

After taking a sip, he nodded his head. "Ok." Woojin looked at Changbin in shock. "O-okay?" Changbin nods, placing down his coffee once again and crossing his arms while leaning into the table.

"Yeah. Why not? Besides, I've been waiting until you were ready." Woojin softly chuckled. "I've been waiting for you to say the same."

"So you guys are gonna tell them?" Jeongin excitedly asked. Changbin and Woojin looked at one another, a small smile on their faces.

"Yeah. We can tell them at dinner tonight." Woojin nods, turning back to Jeongin. He softly ruffles the youngers hair before placing his hand on his shoulder.

"That reminds me, go get ready. We have to leave in an hour and I wanna stop somewhere."

"What for?" Woojin turned to Changbin. "I wanted to get some party stuff. The new semester just started and I wanted to celebrate with everyone."

Changbin smiles softly, taking another sip of his coffee. "That's sweet. How about I help decorate later?" Woojin nods, pulling out his phone.

"We should hurry and get ready. We have to be there soon." Changbin nods his head, standing up. "Right. Let me finish this and I'll be out in the car in 5."


I'm sorry. It took me so long to think of an ending and then I had to write it.😓

Mind you, this chapter has NOT been edited!! I just haven't had time to do so.

I also took a break for awhile. I had to go to a funeral, and then I lost my cat (like an idiot). He had ran away. And then everything going on in the world has just had me in a very bad emotional state. So I put my health first, and hopefully y'all understand😔💕

I apologize for any mistakes or errors!


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