Chapter 1

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I can't belive it the summer has already arrived. After a long year of school here it is the season where I can have fun with my friends and with my boyfriend ... Cayden. He is the boy of my life and this will absolutely be our summer. So I jumped out of bed and quickly slipped on my favourite shorts and a cute shirt, then I ran down stairs. I could smell that there would be pankackes for breakfast ... My favourite I entered the kitchen and there he was my loved Cayden sitting at a table with a huge plate of pancakes for me and some lighted candles on the table. I couldn't belive my eys he was always so sweet with me! I loved him so much! He saw me at the kitchen door and stood up quickly ...

I suddenly woke up. Wow that was a really good dream yes that would be a great life. Having Cayden as a boyfriend that is a real dream he is soooooo cute. I love him so much however he is not interested in me he never even notices me. Well it's time to come back into reality. I stand up and come out of my comfy bed. I walk to my wardrobe and jump into my shorts and and into a shirt. Then I run downstairs the kitchen is empty where did David go? well he must have staid out tonight. So I get out some milk and some corflakes and lay them on the table. Why is it always so silent in here? I slowly eat my breakfast .... RINGGGGGGGGGG ... RINGGGGGGGGGG... I quickly run to the phone and pick it up:

" Hello.... Who's there?"

" Hey Sky it's me ... Honey, How are you babe?"

" Fine Honey, How is life going to you?"

" Well... kind of good, however John dosen't even notice me... how are you and Cayden going is it all right?"

" Bad really, bad I think he dosen't even know I exist...."

"Yeah ... I understand you ... well what do you think? see you at the beach in 30 min?"

"Yeah all right see you there Hon"

"Bye Sky"

 I put back the phone and quickly run back upstairs I need to get ready for the BEACH!!! So I get out my best bikini and throw it in a very cute bag I get my cell and a brush and throw them inside too. In a second I am out of the door I run down the street while brushing my smooth bright hair that fly by the sides of my boiling body.

Suddenly I bump into something, it was Cayden:

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"

"No Prob... I am Cayden and you?"

"I...I...I... a...m ... Sky"

"Well pleasure to meet you Sky see you around" 

"Yes bye Cayden see you around"

He walks past me. I can't belive it!!!! Cayden actually talked to me!!! OMG!!! I MUST TELL HONEY!!! I start running again when I finally arrived there I saw someone standing outside the beach it was Honey and she didn't have a happy face. She was furious. I give a quick glance to the watch, OMG! I am sooo late I should have been here 1 hour ago! What will I tell her? I hope she won't be to cross with me.

 I walk slowly towards her with my head bent. Then I hear a loud grumpy voice:

"Sky, why are you so late? I have been waiting you hear for a long hour!"

"Mmmm..... I'm sorry it's just that..."

"That what? I was waiting for you and you don't even call me to tell me you will be late! What were you doing?"

"Well I'm so sorry... It's just that I would had arrived here on time but..."


"But then I met ...Cayden and we started talking I was so excited and happy that I didn't notice I was  so late sorry!"


"So you're not cross?"


"Yeah.... I know!!! Can you belive it?"

"Well it's pretty incredible! Know lets go and change and meanwhile you will tell me all the details"

I love Honey she is such a good friend and she can always understand me, so I get her arm and I start talking about everything that has happened....

"Oh Gosh .... So sweet!"

That was the Honey I knew, always thinking that everything was soooooo sweet! We where splashing around in the azzure sea while talking about what has just happened with Cayden the boy of my dreams. It was so much fun splashing in the sea with her she is such a good friend and is always so amusing.

We where playing like two idiots when suddenly John passes near us flirting with a tall blond girl. Honey looks at them and a frown appears on her face as her eyes darken starting to fill with tears. I watch them as they pass that girl is a total b***h!!! I looked at Honey she was totally socked in tears know!!! I hug her as strongly as possible and make her sit down in the water so that no one could see that no one could see her in this state. She leand against me her tears wetting me all. I was so sorry for her!!!

I pull her face up so she looks at me in the eyes, her wonderfull blue eyes has becomed red by the crying. 

"Hon, don't cry for that sort of b***h! he isn't good enough for you! common!"

She looks at me wipes her wet tears and makes me a trembling smile, I smile too.

"Yeah! That is my Honey!"

"Thanks Sky, I love u! You are the best friend ever!"

"No I am not you are the best friend ever Hon!"

Suddenly someone lies his hand on my shoulder, I turn around ...

Hi Guys! Hope you like my first Chapter! This is my first book but I hope you will like it! Don't be to mean I am doing my best! :)

Well who do you think lied his hand on Sky's shoulder? And who is David? Will there ever be something between Sky and Cayden? And Honey and John?

Please vote and comment!!!!

Summer LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora