Part 7 - Space-time continuum

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Your POV:
You have found yourself in a strange place. It looked like there was nothing in here. Everything was white. The only thing that was in here, was a strange person in the middle of it. You approached him and asked, what is this place? He looked at you with a smile and said:

???: Don't worry about that, it is just a dream.

Y: So, we are in my head?

???: Yes. Do you know, who I am and why I have brought you here?

Y: I bet that you are SCP 990, but I have no clue why am I here.

990: You are correct. Now, I have brought you here, because you need to learn, how to manipulate space-time continuum.

Y: Like a reality bender?

990: Exactly. When you come back to your world, try bending a reality near you. You can easily learn, how to manipulate reality, but manipulating time is way harder. To do that, try to expand a timeline in front of you. Then simply press the moment, to which you want to rewind. Remember, that you can only rewind time until the moment, when you have gained your powers.

Y: Alright, I will try that, but I have got a question. How do I leave this world?

990: That's pretty easy, and this trick may help you if you want to end your dream. Try summoning a command prompt.

Y: How?!

990: Just say: Start umd.uep. Umd is like a cmd on windows, but for the entire universe. I will teach you how to use it in future.

Y: Is there a cmd for the entire multiverse?

990: Yes, it is called mmd, but you need to learn how to use umd first.

Y: Alright. Start umd.uep!

Suddenly, a command prompt appeared in front of you.

990: Great. Now say: tasklist.

Y: Tasklist

After you said that, a lot of processes appeared on the command prompt.

990: Perfect. Because you are a peace keeper, you have your own processes in the universe. Now find the process called: Dream.uep

You have searched for it, and found one program called: dream.uep.

Y: I guess that I have to force end this, am I correct?

990: Exactly. Just say: taskkill /IM Dream.uep /f

You did that, and suddenly, the dream ended and you were back in your bed. That was interesting. You can end your dreams whenether you like. You looked at the clock - it was 5 a.m., so you had a lot of time to practice. You were trying to bend reality near you for almost an hour, and you managed to do that. However, you wanted to try and rewind the time. You tried to focus at creating a timeline in front of you, and after two minutes, you were able to do that. You wanted to rewind the time from 6 a.m. to 5 a.m., but you clicked too far away, and rewinded the time to 4 a.m. You felt how you are getting thrown out of your place in this universe and then found yourself back in that dream.

990: Well, you managed to rewind the time, but you did a bit too much. One hour is not a problem, but if you do that on bigger scale, then it may be a problem.

Y: Yea, I have clicked too far away.

990: Do you remember how to end this dream?

Y: Start umd.uep. *A console appeared in front of you.* Tasklist. *All processes of the universe appeared.* Taskkill /IM Dream.uep /f. After you said that, you have found yourself in your bed again. However this time, the timer said, that it was 4:15 a.m., so you woke up earlier than in the previous timeline. You didn't want to waste this time, so you have decided to practice reality bending. It went pretty well, but when timer has shown 6 a.m., you had to stop your training and prepare for another day on the foundation. From one side, you were an SCP, but from the other hand, you were also a director of this place with level 5 clearence. You quickly dressed up, went to your office and put a sign on a door saying: "If you need me, go to Heavy Containment Zone to 953's chamber". For the last week, you were able to befriend most of the SCPs. 096 stopped being so agressive and allowed other personel to look at his face, 106 stopped with hunting and 035, well, he is still regenerating after your fight with him. However, the best relations you had with female SCPs - SCP 105, SCP 166 and SCP 953. That was a surprise for you, mainly because you have never had any female friend. You wanted to talk with 953, mainly because she was the only one that could understand your pain from the past. While you were going to her chamber, you got stopped by John.

Y: Hey John, did something happen?

J: Yea, I have got a call from O5 council. They want to talk with you personally. *He gives you a phone*.

Y: Y/N L/N here, did something happen?

O5-1: Hello Y/N. I am O5-1. I wanted to ask you few questions.

Y: I will try to answer them as well as I can.

O5-1: Ok, first of all, how did you become a class D personel?

Y: I agreed for that if the previous director uses an SCP 427 on my sister to cure her.

O5-1: Alright, second question: How did you get your abilities?

Y: I don't know, I died, found myself in a darkness and then I have heard a voice telling me, that I shall go back. And then I have got my powers.

O5-1: Ok and the last question: What are your current abilities?

Y: I can create weapons and indestructible shields, blow up things next to me, heal wounds, accumulate energy in my fist or leg and then hit with a great power, use command prompt for the entire universe, manipulate time and space and at this moment, I think that's all.

O5-1: Wait, you can manipulate time and space?

Y: Yes...?

O5-1: Interesting. Then we can definitely try and perform another attempt of termination.

Y: Wait, you want to kill me?

O5-1: Not you, you are too valuable to our foundation and the entire multiverse. 682. We would like to ask you to try and destroy him permanently. If something goes wrong, you can reverse the time.

Y: Alright, I will try my best.

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