[Water Fountain] Part 1

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Have you ever been in love?

I have but only once. I know...super cliché but it's the truth. I remember the first time someone ever said they loved me. I was a sad little boy back then. We were in elementary school and she was the prettiest girl in our grade while I was the lonely little kid who barely had any friends. Doomed from the moment one of the other girls in our grade decided I had cooties.

Anyway, this girl was beautiful and had prepubescent little boys lining up to be her valentine every year. It was one day while we were on the playground. Our school had an extremely old water fountain that didn't even work anymore but that didn't stop any of us from hanging around it. She and I sat hand in hand and were discussing the latest gossip that elementary school had to offer. It was all about who liked who, who had cooties, and which of us were icky. Then, she said it. Those three little words.

"I love you," her angelic voice said. I was shocked. We had been together for a few hours but still...speechless.

"But I thought you loved Billy?" I looked down at our hands that were still intertwined. I had completely forgotten about Billy her other boyfriend. She quickly shook her head and gripped my hand tighter.

"Nope-" she popped the p, "-I love you and only you." She smiled at me with all of her few teeth showing and I smiled back. A big, wide grin that wouldn't leave my face for the rest of the day.

The whole school day we never left each other's sides until it was time to go home. But even though we were at our separate houses she never left my mind. That beautiful girl who told me she loved me by the water fountain was the only thought in my head and the next day I officially asked her to be my girlfriend. We were seven and I truly had no idea what a girlfriend even was but she said yes and I was content. Years had passed and we were still dating. How we had managed to make it that long as children?

I had no idea. It was freshman year now. We were young teenagers who were getting into trouble left and right but we were still going strong. Or so I thought. Come to find out there was a party and I was home sick. I was still contagious and she wanted to come try and nurse me back to health but I still suggested she go and have a good time for  the both of us. So while I was puking my insides out she was drinking. Then, she cheated on me. I don't know why but...she did. My girlfriend since second grade had cheated on me and I didn't know how to feel.

Seven years with the girl I loved suddenly went down the drain and I was fucked. When I confronted her she told me it was a drunken mistake and that it would never happen again but I couldn't trust her anymore. I tried to but I just couldn't. After that I became a self-centered asshole who wanted sex and liquor. A few girls tried but none could last in a relationship with my paranoid self. It only drove them nuts.

Every day I think about how it felt to be treated that way and every day I find myself staring at the beautiful girl who once told me she loved me. Although I didn't want to be in a relationship anymore, I couldn't help admiring Vera Parker and everything about her. She had silver hair that used to be a very dark brown and each of her eyes was a different color. One was a blue that was beautiful and crystal clear like the ocean and the other a hazel brown that became almost luminescent in the sun.

Her skin was pale and littered with brown in certain patches but that didn't make her any less gorgeous. We were both Juniors in high school and I usually admired her during eighth hour. The last class of the day. I was still staring at her when I heard snapping and realized someone was trying to get my attention.

"A little distracted there are we Mr. Montalvo?" the old teacher raised her thin eyebrow and I smirked.

"Of course not Mrs. M, I was simply visioning your words of wisdom and intelligence." She sighed and wrote the detention slip, holding it out to me when she finished.

"Leave my classroom."

I stood up and saluted her on my way out glancing one last time at Vera. I had been to detention so many times in the last three years that the teacher who remained there was a close friend of mine. He'd bring a deck of cards just for him and I to play whenever I was sent. I walked into the room and was greeted with the smiling face of Mr. M, who happened to be Mrs. M's much more enjoyable husband.

"My wife already tired of you Booker?" I shrugged.

"She's probably going through caffeine withdraw."

The old man chuckled and started shuffling the deck. As Mr. M started dealing, the detention room door opened and quiet shuffling was heard. I looked back to see Vera Parker sitting in the desk behind mine and didn't bother to hide my surprise. Vera Parker never got detention.

"So, what brings you to this neck of the woods Parker?" I asked.

"Mrs. M thought I was cheating on the test when I asked Kelly for a pencil," she mumbled. I couldn't help it.

"Well you would know something about that wouldn't you?" I was still smiling when I said it and felt no remorse. I did hear her breathing stop. However, I didn't notice her pull down the sleeves of her hoodie. Almost like she had something to hide. Mr. M stopped dealing to gape at me and was going to say something but the bell rang at just the right moment.

 Vera practically ran out of the room but I casually walked to my car in the parking lot. I had just sat down and started the car when it began to pour. I felt bad for all the kids who had to walk in this rain. My heater was on and Alec Benjamin was playing softly in the background while I drove until I came to a stop right next to a girl walking alone in the pouring rain.

"Need a ride?" I asked.

"Not from you," she spat. I was close to leaving her on the side of the road until I saw her teeth chattering and her body shaking from how cold she was. Vera was drenched in water and would probably become hypothermic if I left her out there. So, I did what any guy like me would do. I got out of my car, picked her up, and forced her into the car.

 Call it kidnapping but I was genuinely worried for her health. I ran back to my side and locked the doors so she couldn't leave. Knowing she couldn't fight me on the matter she stayed silent throughout the whole drive to her house. It was only until we pulled up to her house that I spoke.

"Are you okay?" I asked. I had no idea why but I wanted her to tell me herself if she was okay.

"Why wouldn't I be?" The attitude and pride held in her tone of voice sincerely pissed me off and I regretted asking.

"Whatever," I unlocked the doors so she could leave.

"Don't be so quick to talk shit to me when you don't even know the entire story, Booker," she made to get out if the car until I locked the doors again.

"What do I not know then huh? Tell me what really happened that night." I had started raising my voice little by little.

"You don't deserve to know. Three years not once did you let me speak but now you demand to know? She scoffed," screw you."

"Well then how am I supposed to not be mad when you refuse to tell me? Or is it that you just don't want to admit that you're a cheater!" My voice was rising little by little again. "You know, I may be a self-centered dick but at least I CAN ADMIT WHEN I DO SOMETHING THAT'S VILE AND EVIL AND-"

"I WAS FUCKING RAPED," she screamed.

Hi everyone. I am here with a new story that I'll hope you enjoy. *internally cringes at how awkward I am* Anyway...more parts will be uploaded soon<3

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