Chapter One

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        The rain poured down viciously on the tin roof of Emi's apartment, drowning out any other sounds outside. Emi loved it when it rained like this. The apartment looked as if it was practically submerged underwater and the steady pounding beat put her at ease. If only it rained like this all the time, she mused, tapping her pencil on the blank paper before her. The rain may have been calming, but it had yet to help with her prominent art block.

            She set her sketchbook down and walked over into the kitchen area, filling a kettle with water and putting it on the stovetop. Some tea will help clear my head. As the water heated up she leaned against the counter, staring out of the sliding glass door at the balcony. Her eyes shot wide open at the sight in front of her.

            There was a young woman standing on the balcony out in the rain. She had long silver hair that fell down her back in ripples, and a wispy white dress that seemed virtually untouched by the downpour outside.

            Emi ran over and threw the door open, yelling over the rain.

"Hey! Hey what are you doing out there?!"

            The woman turned her head and smiled at Emi, a big smile full of white teeth.


"Are you blind?! Can't you see it's raining?! Come in here!"

            She eyed Emi for a brief moment before squaring her shoulders and standing up straight, walking past her into the house. Emi marveled at her grace and beauty, and the way she carried herself. She took notice of her features and became rather confused. Silver hair on a woman so young... What?

"Who are you? And what were you doing on my balcony? In the rain, too..."

            The woman didn't answer and instead wandered around Emi's apartment, brushing her hand over chairs and countertops.

"I've always wondered what one of these looked like... It's positively beautiful in here!!"

"Wait... One of what?"

            She ran up to Emi and grabbed her by the hands, that big smile still embedded in her face.

"An apartment! Papa used to talk about them all the time. He said Mama used to live in one, so I was curious... I like it here."

            Before Emi could answer, the woman plopped herself down onto the couch, pulling her hair over her shoulders. Emi was going to scold her about sitting on the couch while wet, but realized that she definitely wasn't soaking like she should be. Not even a little damp. She was as dry as anything else in the house.

"Well, anyway, to answer your question, I'm Mizuko Ameon'na. Sumire and Asahi call me Mizu."

            She stated it like the name should mean something to Emi... It didn't.

"Um. I have no idea who you are. And, again, why were you on my balcony at 7 pm in the rain?"

            Mizu groaned and flipped upside down, laying her head on the coffee table and propping her feet up on the back of the couch.

"Girl, you ask so many questions. I was on your balcony because you're the only one who likes us and rain at night is my favorite."

            Emi was now thoroughly confused.

"The only one who likes 'us'? As in multiple people? Is there something I should've known prior to this conversation? Because I'm lost."

            More groaning. More position shifting. Wow. For someone with so much grace and beauty, she sure does have quite the attitude.

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