Chapter 5: Elysia

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Elysia found the difference between riding in the back of the wagon and inside in a seat interesting. Whenever she had traveled before, she found the tallest hay bale so she could see further than everyone else. Now she sat inside, covered by wood and fabric, not knowing what was going on outside. She didn't even have someone with her to help guide her along on her journey except for the driver who started singing an old melody about the forest she used to live by. And two flag carriers behind on horseback with Maddox's dark blue colors.

As she pulled at her dress to straighten up she realized how uncomfortable it felt. She would have hated to grow up in such intolerable clothing. Her father always had her dress in cheap dresses that were itchy but loose and easy to move in. Now, Elysia found it difficult to just slide across the padded seats to look out the window.

In hindsight, she realized that probably was not a good idea. She could see the castle she used to work in getting smaller and the people getting poorer as the carriage pulled them along the dirt path. It would be a long journey to the destination of Wellbourne and she had been told stops were to be minimal as they didn't want any chance of people catching a glimpse of the so-called "Princess". She had asked Conroy Maddox what he was going to do with the real Antonella. He had no answer as he simply motioned her to leave.

None of the Duke's family came out to say goodbye or give thanks for her sacrifice. They probably didn't even think of it as being hard. People like them rarely thought of anyone but themselves and that wasn't unjust to Elysia's mind. She took her duty to perform as a Marquees like a fine singer who would need to perform for the Queen's entertainment. 

The handmaiden's mother coached her on the ways of higher society as much as she could as she dressed her in such little time. Elysia tried to reimagine their conversation in her head but came up empty as she closed the fabric to the window and looked over at her books that were tied over with velvet cloth and bright gold string. It was the only thing she was allowed to bring with her on the journey since she would need no reminder of her old life. Mother had said "Being married into a new family strips you of your old. You are not a Maddox anymore and you are definitely not Elysia. You will be a LeVane, their colors of gold and white are yours."

Elysia picked up the largest book and let her eyes glance around the pages. She figured they would be the best distraction as her reading speed was nothing to gloat about. It told stories of what was inside the blood forest, things she could have never imagined the witches to be capable of... happening to the soldiers who stepped foot past the barriers.

Having lived so close to it all those years, Elysia wondered why everyone was so afraid of it. She was more afraid of going to town where the nasty men and evil women looked at her like she was the same as them. Even though they wore metal shackles on their feet and hands they looked down at her for where she was from. The land of workers and poor wimps. That may have been true for many, but she was not the same as them. She found it calming to sneak past those barriers in the night and lay on the moss grounds examining the tree line that accentuated the bright and dreamy stars. At her home, the smoke from the butcher blocked any sort of visuals so it was a real treat to gaze at what was in the sky.

Hearing a knock in the front of the carriage, Elysia jumped upon hearing the driver's voice, "If you need to take a piss now is the time girl."

Her door opened and the men stepped out of the way. She wondered if they were going to have to treat her differently later in the journey. She only stepped out and oversaw the city they were passing through. "Where are we?"

"Outside of Tandona."

Elysia didn't have to hear anymore- she knew what that meant. "The land of soldiers and warriors." Smiling, the girl let the night air blow her hair back in amazement. The tales she heard from their swords were magical.

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