The Dark Wolf

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Six year old Mavis Lee Shep, a delightfully bright young girl with a fiery soul and a dislike for bullies who lives in Idaho.
"Mavis Lee, get your ass down here, now!" That would be the angry shout of her high father, Jon Shep.
"Coming, Daddy," the little brunette calls down the stairs as she stands from her dolls on the floor and runs down the stairs.
Once downstairs, young Mavis Lee Shep walks into the living room, where the television is blaring as her father holds a glass pipe with a lighter beneath it. 
"Daddy? Are you okay?"
"Mavis, what have I told you about leaving your goddamn toys in the kitchen," he shouts, furious as he inhales a deep breath of the crystal rock's smoke.
Mavis fowns, and whispers a small "I'm sorry, Daddy.." A phrase she was used to saying at this point. But to no avail. He slams down his pipe and lighter and stands from the beat up couch, towering over her. She looks at him with her beautiful honey brown eyes, full of fear. And just like that, a good, hard, smack finds it's way across her face.
Jon then picks up Mavis, bringing her to eye level, and shaking her, yelling, "You little shit! Your mother should have tossed you out and fed you to the wolves the day we brought you home!" She began to cry, eyes, cheeks, nose, even her upper lip turning a bright red as her nose started running along with her tears.
The little girl's father drops her, "Go to bed! An empty stomach will hopefully make you behave, " he grumbled, sitting back down, picking up his pipe along with his lighter, and begins smoking his meth, again.
Just then, her mother, Chrissie Ann Shep, walks into the house, carrying a bag of frozen t.v dinners, a food that they live off of. She locks eyes with the little girl, and scowls, "Jon! What is she doing out here? I told you I didn't want to see her!"
And with that, Mavis runs upstairs and locks her door, looking out the window into the forest that's around her house. She hears shouts, and things being slammed and thrown around.
Something bright catches her eye between the trees. A bright blue eye. It comes out of the shadows, to reveal a large, black wolf that's missing it's left eye, just an empty socket remaining.
Mavis smiles at the majestic creature and waves. The wolf makes eye contact with the small girl with shaggy brown hair. She puts her hands to the glass window in awe as she thinks of ways to get out and pet the big dog.
And just like that, the wolf turns around, and walks away.
Mavis let's out a quiet huff, plopping down on her bed, and covering herself with the dirty sheet she uses as a blanket.
The six year old couldn't stop thinking of that one eyed wolf as she slowly fell into a deep slumber.
Weeks had passed, and every night got worse, but she also saw that same wolf, each night, after being sent to her room. And as the nights went by, the closer the wolf would come to the house.
Little Mavis Lee made the conclusion that this wolf was a girl wolf, because she was far too pretty to be a boy wolf. She had even named the large animal. Eliza. A pretty name for a pretty girl wolf.
Currently, Mavis sat on the kitchen floor, playing with her favorite doll. Chrissie came in and immediately tripped over the little one.
"Mavis! Get out of here! Go outside or something! And take your stupid doll!" And that was that. Mavis felt excited to be granted access to the back yard, where the wolf had been coming every night, to come see her.
Mavis runs outside, taking her doll, Hollie, pretending she was flying.
She finally plops onto the grass, back facing the forest as she plays with Hollie.
"Mavis, care for a cup of tea," she makes her doll say.
"Why, yes, Hollie, I would love some tea!"
She played tea party for so long, She didn't even realize it was getting dark and cold, outside. She kept playing, until she heard a rather loud 'chh chk'.
Mavis quickly spins around, only to he brought face to face with a shotgun, being held by her father, as her mother stands behind him.
"Daddy? Mommy? What are you doing? Do you want to play tea party with Hollie and I, " Mavis asks, full of excitement and glee.
Her father grows even more tense and yells, "No, Mavis. We don't want to play your stupid tea party game! Now, close your eyes, and count to three!"
Young Mavis complies, seeing nothing wrong with the situation at hand, "one... two... thre-" she was cut off by a loud growl, bang and scream all at once.
Mavis quickly turns around, only to see the shotgun lying on the ground, right beside her mother, who is covering her mouth, before lunging towards the gun. Mavis looks to her father, seeing the wolf known as Eliza, on top of him, biting at him as he attempts to fight her off. Chrissie takes the gun in hand, and fires by the wolf, attempting to scare it off of her husband. The shot distracts Jon, leading to Eliza to bite his stomach, tearing it open, and ripping his intestines from his stomach.
Once Eliza sees the man cease to move, she jumps off, and stares at Chrissie with a snarl. Chrissie raises the gun, aiming at the one eyed wolf's head, cocking the gun and steadying her shakiness.
Mavis sees her mother aim the gun, and runs to stand in front of Eliza, "Mommy! Please don't hurt my friend! She didn't mean to hurt daddy!"
And just like that, another shot rings through the forest surrounding their home. Mavis drops to the grassy floor, blood seeping out of the chunk shot out of her neck.
The dark wolf's eye widens, as Chrissie is attempting to reload the gun. The animal leaps onto the woman, taking no time in ripping her to bloody shreds on the grass.
Once finished, Eliza pads over to the, now dead, six year old and lie beside her cold body, head resting on Mavis' stomach.
A day or two had passed, and not one person has been to the house to see what the gunshots were for. Not one investigator. Eliza saw it as her responsibility to see that Mavis has a proper burial.
As the black wolf began lifting Mavis and attempting to place her on her own back, she heard whimpers and groans coming from the girl's mouth. Then, coughing.
Eliza let go of Mavis and began to sniff her, before Mavis suddenly sits up, looking at Eliza in the eye.
"Eliza? What happened to Mommy? And Daddy? Why does my neck hurt?" Eliza had no time to think, before wrapping her left leg around the somehow breathing six year old, and resting her head on the child's back. Mavis hesitated, but wrapped her little arms around Eliza's neck, smiling and letting out a happy sigh.
The two pull apart, and Eliza signals for the little one to follow.
They enter the woods, never to be seen, again.

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