49. I need my baby

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Doyoung POV

Taeyongs Doctor wrote something on his notepad and looked at Jaemin. "It's not looking very good." Jaemin sat up and grabbed his boyfriends hand. "What does that mean?" "His condition hasn't changed since he got out of surgery." "But... that's a good sign isn't it?" I looked at him.
"I fear it is not. If he doesn't wake up soon, we'll have to turn the machines off."

"Did you find Jaehyun?" Johnny shook his head. "No and I've looked like everywhere! Where else could he be?" "Did you look at his place?" "Yeah that's where I'm coming from. I also looked at my place, his new work place and the restaurant where he and Taeyong went to that time." "What about our place?" Jaemin asked in an exhausted sounding voice. It was the first thing he said after the doctor had left.
He had been sitting on Jenos lap and staring at the wall, crying silently ever since the doctor said what he had to say. "I've never been to your place so I didn't know where to go." My friend said in a soft voice. "I'll text you the address." "Take my keys." Jaemin held out his hand and Johnny took the keys. "Thank you Jaemin. I'll be back soon."
After he left there was silence again. I sat down on a chair and got my phone out of my pocket. I had to distract myself or I'd think about what the doctor had said and just break down.
"Doyoung?" I looked at Yerim. "I... I know Jaemin or I will have to... sign some form to confirm they can turn the machines off. You have to promise me you won't let that happen. No matter how hard the doctors try to push us into doing it you have to tell them and us no."
"I can't do that Yerim." I took her hand into mine. "Taeyong could be in unbelievable pain. Do you really want him to live like this? Just existing without really living? Maybe even suffering this whole time? We can't do that to him." "How could you say that?" She got up, tears streaming down her face. "I will not let my brother die! He, Nahyun and Jaemin are the only family I have left! He's everything to me! I would never, never kill him off like some animal! What if we turn the machines off and he needed one more day? Huh? One fucking day and he would've lived! I could never live with myself knowing that I ended his life if there would even be the slightest chance that he would've woken up!" "Yerim..." "No! I'm going to Sooyoungs! She's looking after Nahyun and I need my baby!" She took her bag and stormed out of the room.
I wanted to follow her but I didn't know what I would've said to her.
I didn't know what to do anymore.

• • •

mkay so i have no medical knowledge at all so please don't rely on the accuracy of my stories I have no clue what I'm talking about this is literally all just happening for plot purposes

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