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Rin pov

Once everyone comes inside I rush to see if they are ok. The fight looked bad. They looked really hurt. "Rin, it's ok. None of us are hurt all that badly. you can relax. we are all ok." Azazel reassures. I whine in protest. "I don't believe you. You looked really hurt out there. If you were fine then you would have gotten back up. Some of you were down the entire fight. Just please let me make sure!" I beg. 

"Rin, we have demon healing we are completely fine. but if it makes you feel better you can check us," Mephisto adds. Lucifer smiles and walks to his room. After quickly checking the rest of my brothers I run after Lucifer. "Luci!" I exclaim happily as I tackle him in a hug.

"Are you ok? Did they hurt you?" I ask concerned. "Rin I am fine. No need to worry, besides it would take a lot more than my unhappy brothers to hurt me," Lucifer says happily. "Well, don't get hurt!" I scold. "I promise. Besides shouldn't you be checking on them. They were hurt way worse than me," Lucifer says half concerned. "I already checked them they are fine," I add.

I am able to bring Lucifer back to the family. We spend the rest of the day playing and cuddling. I want this to last forever.

~\ Time skip (two Asshia decades later) /~

I walk with Father to the throne room. A portal is already open and ready. My brothers' have already gone through. Finally, I will be in Asshia again. All the humans and demons have settled in. All that is left to do is make a public appease. 

They are holding a festival in our honor. We are going to stay in Asshia for around a year. Or in human terms a century. I walk through with Father. The feeling of traveling is still wired. On the other side, we are greeted by cheers.

Once fully out of the portal I begin waving at the crowd. Their cheers only grow louder. Father and I walk to the thrones on the platform. They were created specifically for us. The crowd brings their gifts and offerings in small groups. I smile and I thank them while father just wears his blank expression. I don't blame him. He has had to this for billions of years while I have only been to a few celebrations like this.

Two girls walk up holding hands. One has a red and yellow hair with a pixy cut and the other has long braided purple hair. "Hello, your highness we have brought gifts in thanks for all you have done to help us. Especially you Rin," The purple hair one says. Father looks confused for a minute before he smiles. I think back to where I have heard that voice and these girls.

"Izumo? SHURA!" I ask happily while jumping out of my throne. They smile and nod. I embrace them in a hug. Father sighs happily. I talk with them before they leave so the other subjects can present their gifts. 

After the gifts are all given the crowd leaves to continue the celebration and Father and I leave to get ready for the ball tonight. A few maids collect the gifts.

Time skip (after they changed)

 "I still can't believe Shura and Izumo are here!" I say happily to Father. "That's not all, they are also going to be at the ball," Father adds. I gasp happily. My crown nearly falls off. Lucifer and Mephisto join us in the ballroom. "The ball is going to begin in 30 minutes. Everything is ready. also, Can I tell him?" Lucifer asks Father. Father nods. 

"The Vatican has sent a few representatives as a sign of peace. they come bearing gifts and the Paladin has requested a dance with you," Lucifer explains. I nod. "I can handle a dance. After all, some say I am the best dancer out of our family," I say jokingly. Lucifer rolls his eyes.

"Well let's put that to the test, Prince Rin will you have this dance with me?" Mephisto asks. I giggle "Sure thing King Mephisto" I reply. We dance together and the band starts practicing. Father sits on the throne. 

Mephisto spins me to Lucifer and Lucifer and I start dancing. After a while I get tired so I sit on my throne next to Father. Lucifer and Mephisto dance together. Then the guest starts arriving Mephisto and Lucifer stop dancing and instead sit in their thrones. The rest of my brothers arrive.

Then the Vatican representative arrives. There are four in total. I recognize two of them immediately Lucifer told me that three arc knights and the paladin were coming but I didn't expect Bon, Shima, and to be arc nights. One of the arc knights I remember from when before I went to Gehenna. I don't remember their name but I remember their face. For the Paladin.

"Yukio?" I mutter softly. The ball begins and the Vatican representatives talk and dance with the rest of the guests. Yukio has a big smile on. He seems so much more different. He is older... He looks around ten human years older. That is odd. Shouldn't he be twenty years older in human years? Although him being half-demon could have something to do with that; even though he did try to make himself fully human his flesh and bones still have demon DNA in them. He got rid of his magic but not the DNA.

Once I entered Gehenna I started growing a lot slower I will stop aging once my body reaches 21. I have 5 more demon years to go till I am fully grown. I shift in my throne. I look at Father. "Did you know about this?" I ask softly. "Yes," Father replies with a sigh. Father doesn't seem to be happy about it. 

Halfway through the ball dinner is served. After dinner is finished Yukio comes over to me. "The first dance of the Prince will be with Paladin Yukio. If everyone could keep off the dance floor during the dance it would be most appreciated," The announcer announces. Yukio holds his out to me. I stand up and I take his hand all the way to the dance floor.

To be a prince of Gehenna (Adopted from @ElisaBlow)Where stories live. Discover now