Chapter 36

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Ugh! I really need to start updating more regularly, school sucks.

My finals are coming up, but after that is spring break, so I hope you will continue to be patient with me. Hopefully I can update more then.



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Kim Taehyung's hands were shaking as his multicolored eyes scanned over your stiff, shivering form. He didn't know what he was supposed to think. Was he really seeing you? Were you actually here or was he simply imagining things....had he really gone mad in his time in this all-too-familiar room?

His breath was unsteady as he slowly rose to his feet, the air between the two of you becoming thick and full of tension as he stared at you.

His heart ached inside his chest.

He had missed you so much...He had worried for you so much...And now...

His body shook as he took a hesitant step towards you, choking on a sob as he reached out for you.

Your e/c eyes began to fill with tears as you moved towards him, not really knowing what was going on...or even really how you got here...

You sucked in a breath as Taehyung's hands met your shoulders, colorful eyes scanning over your features as a worried look fell over his face, stray tears never ceasing to fall down his cheeks.

"A-Are you really here?" He whispered. "This-This isn't a dream, is it?"

You slowly shook your head, hand shakily moving to rest on his warm, damp cheek.

He sighed in relief at your touch, as if it somehow relieved his pain, his lip trembling as your thumb wiped his tears.

"T-Titan.." He started out slowly, eyes meeting yours. "Did he find you? Did he hurt you?"

You shook your head again, causing Taehyung to let out a sad laugh through his tears as he placed his hands on your face, forehead resting against yours as his body began to shake with soft sobs.

You couldn't stop a few tears from falling as he cried, your eyes taking in his battered appearance.

His colorful clothes were now torn and covered in mud and grime. The entire back of his shirt was covered in blood, some dried and some fresh. His orange hair was longer now, curling at the ends as sticking to his forehead. His skin was paler than usual and his hat was nowhere to be seen.

Taehyung shifted his position, moving his face to rest in the crook of your neck as his arms wrapped around your torso, pulling your body flush against his as he muttered against your skin.

"I-I was so worried." He admitted. "I-I couldn't stop him...He was so angry. He-"

You shushed him, placing your hand on his head and petting his hair as an attempt to comfort him.

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