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The moment Madam Yu saw Wei Ying, she knew he'd grow up to be like his mother. He'd grow up to be a unruly bitch that Madam Yu would loathe the sight of. His mother stole her husbands love and now he was going to do the same to her children. She wouldn't let Wei Ying have his way.

From the moment Wei Ying arrived he was malnourished and scarred from his time on the streets. However, Madam Yu felt no pity for the boy like her husband and children did. She only felt hate.


Wei Ying kept his eyes cast down on the ground as Jiang Cheng yelled at him for making his father take away his dogs. Jiang Cheng resented Wei Ying for that and angrily kicked him out of his room. He even threatened to send a pack of dogs after him to make sure he didn't come back to the room.

Wei Ying ran down the hallways in fear of the idea alone and would have kept running if he hadn't run into a wall of purple robes. He fell on to the ground with a loud thud and when he looked up he saw a furious Madam Yu.

Madam Yu grabbed the collar of Wei Ying's robes as she growled out, "you dare appear before me after you made my son give up his dogs for a mere street rat like you?"
"It's about time I taught you your place as the son of that unruly bitch of a servant." She spat as she dragged him by the wrist to her quarters.

Once she reached her quarters, she threw the small boy to the ground.
"The filthy spawn of a whore only needs to know how to be obedient." Words like venom dripped from her tongue as she smacked the boy harshly.
"When I put the curse of submission on you, you will be more obedient than a dog. This way you won't ever have the chance to destroy my family." Madam Yu said as she pulled a dagger out of the sleeve of her robes.

Wei Ying trembled as he crawled away from her. He realized very quickly that there was no way out. Madam Yu easily grabbed the boy and pinned him to the ground.

Wei Ying withered under her as the top half of his robes were ripped off and his thoughts of escaping were brought to a painful halt as he felt the dagger drag across the skin of his back. Everything hurt physically and mentally as he felt something being cut into the back of his neck.

He screamed and cried the whole time but Madam Yu cared not of his pain and when the pain finally ceased, he laid there motionless. His back and neck felt like it was on fire. He didn't dare move, he already felt like he was going pass out.
"Listen carefully, I'm only going to explain it once." She said and Wei Ying's eyes slowly slid over to her.
"If you disobey me or anyone else, the curse will activate and inflict pain based off your worst fear." She paused and threw what seemed to be a skin tight black cloth necklace. Wei Ying stared at it blankly because he knew better than that though, it was a collar, to remind him of his place.
"Use this to cover your neck and don't even so much as think of telling anyone. No one will ever pity such a disgusting thing like yourself." She said and left without another word


He didn't know how long he had been laying there until he finally moved but every part of him ached and burned painfully. He stood up on unsteady feet and walked over to a mirror in the room. In the mirror he saw that all the cuts Madam Yu made form some sort of symbols. The thing that stood out the most though was the cuts on his neck that formed the symbol of YunmengJiang sect. It was on the back of his neck and Wei Ying knew well what it was. It was a branding mark like what they gave slaves. When he was on the street he had seen a few slaves and they all had the mark of a sect or person either burned or cut into their skin.

Wei Ying put the upper half of his robes on as properly as he could and put on the cloth necklace. He was relieved that it covered the branding mark on his neck. Although Wei Ying couldn't see the mark now, he could still feel the dull ache of it, reminding him that it is there and that this is his new reality.

Wei Ying slowly walked out of the room, hissing in pain whenever his clothes agitated his wounds. When he looked at the sky he saw the sun was already starting to rise.

By the time he found his way back to Jiang Cheng's room where he was supposed to have slept, Jiang Cheng was no longer in the room. Wei Ying took the chance to change into new robes while he was alone. Wei Ying had to bite his hand to prevent himself from making any noise as he pulled his robes from his wounds. It reopened the cuts and Wei Ying wept quietly through it.

Is this better than the streets?

"At least you have food and a roof over your head."
Wei Ying told himself.


Wei Ying had been adjusting to avoiding breaking any rules, but accidents happen. Even to Wei Ying who tried so so hard to avoid the punishment the curse would bring. Madam Yu said it would be his worst fear and Wei Ying didn't want to find out what that meant.

Madam Yu had given him many rules

- You can not tell anyone about the curse.
- You are to do as you are told.
- You must protect my children with your life.
- You will not refer to my family like they are your family.
- You are to never be better than my son.
- You must always remember your place.
- follow all of Lotus Piers rules.

These are just a few of them.

He made sure to follow all the rules in fear of the consequences even though Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli constantly insisted there was no need for formality's. Under their constant urging that it was ok he had a slip of tongue and spoke too casually, calling Jiang Yanli, Shijie like she wanted.

He'd never forget the feeling of a non existent dogs breath on the back of his neck. The fur brushing against his skin and teeth grazing the jugular of his throat before sinking in its teeth and tearing his throat out. He couldn't breath as he felt blood flood his lungs.

Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli watched in utter shock as Wei Ying crumbled to the ground, mouth open like he was screaming but only choking gasps came out. It was like he was trying to scream while being choked. The two quickly realized that he couldn't breathe.

"Go get a doctor!" Jiang Yanli shouted urgently to her brother and he ran off quickly to fetch a doctor. Jiang Yanli couldn't help but feel powerless in this moment as she wasn't a cultivator like her brother that was strong and fast nor was she a doctor that could help ease Wei Ying's pain.


The doctor examined Wei Ying with care before pulling out acupuncture needles and placing several in his neck and one in his hall of impression point*

***hall of impression point is an acupuncture point between your eyebrows***

At this point Wei Ying had passed out but he was breathing. Both Jiang Cheng and Jiang YanLi were relieved but didn't dare ease up until they heard from the doctor.

The doctor left Wei Ying on the infirmary bed and went over to speak with the Jiang siblings.
"Is he ok?" Jiang YanLi asked worriedly.
"He's a bit malnourished and small for his age which may have contributed to his condition." The doctor said.
"What condition?" Jiang Cheng asked concerned, he had seen Wei Ying unable to breath and in a great deal of pain.
"He seems to have a weak body so episodes like this are to be expected." The doctor said calmly.
"Is there anything we can do...?" Jiang Yanli asked solemnly.
"No, but it may get better when he has a strong golden core however it is unlikely. You two should go back to your rooms and rest while I watch over him." The doctor explained.
"Thank you doctor we will return in the morning." Jiang Yanli said expressing her gratitude before leaving with Jiang Cheng

The doctor silently watched as they left and once they were gone he scoffed, "stupid children."
It wasn't long before Madam Yu appeared before the doctor.
"Good work. There's no need to treat him, just keep my children in the dark." Madam Yu said her eyes narrowed into crescent moons and filled with mirth at Wei Ying's pain. She placed a bag of coins in the doctors hand as she left.

She wondered how Wei Ying will despair?

Will he feel helpless?
Or isolated?

She doesn't care as long as he suffers as his bitch of a mother should have.

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