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I hate the Red Room. And I always have. No matter how skilled I am. I wanted to leave. But I couldn't. I'm about to tell you why. But first, know this about me. No matter how much I actually hate the Red Room, the things I did were things I intentionally did to survive. And this is only an example of what they made me do. Not everything. Just thought I should warn you.

Thursday, January 23rd, 2014, 6:00 A.M. Madame B's Prepatory Academy, Alykel, Russia

"Get that leg up!" Madame screams in Russian at the girl behind me. I smirk a bit at the fact that I haven't been corrected. I continue to dance, just as I always have, and do the dance as flawlessly as I can. I see a girl out of the corner of my eye stumble from fatigue. We've been dancing non-stop for 30 minutes, and we've only been awake for 45.

"Natalia!" Madame screeches at my enemy. I watch in satisfaction as Natalia walks over to Madame's side where the other girls are that have failed at the dance. It's annoying how she's the only one who's sensible enough to stand just out of Madame's view. The other girls are sitting right behind her. A bad decision really. She watches us three girls still dancing in spite. But we continue dancing until Madame says to stop, and we all leave to the courtyard as fast as possible.

We make it to the courtyard in our gray clothing. Madame is already there and we form the two lines she tells us to form.

The courtyard is open to the cold January air given it doesn't have a roof. The square wall enclosing it is perfectly cleaned red brick just high enough so we can't escape. The plain gray cobblestone ground is sparkling clean besides from the big white squared outline. I don't understand how they get the blood off the ground so easily. The snow piles in the corners of the courtyard remind me of the mountain just above the academy. It's not visible from the courtyard, but from my dorm room it is. Especially during this time of year.

The girl across from me is no other than Nadia. Of course Madame would pair us for the first round. I glare at Nadia as Madame ushers us into the square.

I take my fighting stance as Madame says, "begin." Nadia attacks first. She punches at my face as I dodge her, and knock her feet out from underneath her. She falls on her stomach and I put her in a lock on the ground. I pull her arm, and dislocate her shoulder. She screams in pain. She struggles more, but I finally jab her in the most precise point where she falls unconscious. I know from experience that the right amount of pressure in that spot is enough to put someone in a coma for two weeks at most.

"Stop," Madame orders in sharp Russian. I triumphantly walk to the end of my line. An internal smile of satisfaction appears as I see my enemy be dragged off.

The rest of the morning continues in the same fashion. The 22 girls we started with this morning is reduced to 4 in hardly over an hour. Surprisingly, there hasn't been any casualties today.

I step into the square, and take my stance. I don't even pay attention to when Madame speaks. I size up my opponent as she runs up to attack me. I roundhouse kick her in the face, and duck between her wide open legs. I jump onto her waist as she turns and I fling myself behind her through her legs before she can get a hold on me. She tries to roundhouse me, but I catch her foot, and twist her leg. I hear a snap as she cries out in pain. I don't stop. I push her over and roll her onto her back. She struggles so much I don't even bother to dislocate her shoulder. I jab her with as much intensity as I can muster, and she goes unconscious.

"Stop," Madame orders and I go to the outside of the square. My opponent gets dragged off. I watch the next battle unfold in front of me. The two friends the Red Room has ever had are fighting each other. The girls are monsters. Savage. All of the kindness they had shown each other is gone, along with their normal fighting techniques. One of the girls falls unconscious but Madame doesn't tell the one on top of her to stop. She repeatedly punches the other girls temples, until there are no more signs of life in the other girl anymore. As her old friend is being dragged off, the girl almost seems to cry. I see a twitch in her hand as if she's saying good bye to her only friend. Serves her right for having one in the first place.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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