cocaine: so guys i have a question
sconic: is it a serious one?
kirby: let her finish iida
useless: what's... your question?... ashido?
cocaine: so
cocaine: would mr aizawa be mad if
cocaine: me and kaminari kind of like
frogsteroids: oh lordy
cocaine: dressed up as beetlejuice and lydia
kirby: oh slay queens
sconic: why would he be mad?
cocaine: ok so you know how there's a scene where there's like that big snake thingy that comes out of the ground?
useless: 👀
cocaine: ok well we wanted a snake so we made ojiros tail into a snake and we knocked over like three lamps and and almost broke a hole into the side of a chair...
sconic: i'm
sconic has logged off
useless: 😂
blasty: you finally did it, crackhead
frogsteroids: you finally broke iida...
kirby: nO IIDA 😭😭😭
bikabika: i'm sorryyyyyyyyy
aux cord: um
bird box extra: jiro
aux cord: yes tokoyami
bird box extra: do you by any chance happen to have a part time job
aux cord: possibly yes
bird box extra: is there any chance is may be at a store in the mall
aux cord: ...
aux cord: possibly
bird box extra: is it at an emo store
aux cord: depends who you ask
bird box extra: me
aux cord: yes it's an emo store...
bird box extra: hey jiro
aux cord: yes tokoyami?
bird box extra: why did i just see you opening up the hot topic in the mall
frogsteroids: ...
aux cord: um
aux cord: i swear i can explain
useless: sure u can
kirby: you work at hot topic
aux cord: ... yes.
kirby: hey tsuyu
frogsteroids: yes ochaco
kirby: don't you work at the PINK in the mall
frogsteroids: yes victoria's secret 🤭
frog steroids has logged off
useless: ... i'm so confused...
aux cord: same
bird box extra: same
blasty: same
kirby: same
cocaine: same
Fanfiction{COVER NOT MINE} -𝐹𝑈𝐶𝐾 𝑌𝑂𝑈 𝐾𝐴𝐶𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑁 ☞︎ in which class 1-a makes a groupchat ☜︎ ©kenmako- 2020